Dicas Reparação

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 3456
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Sometimes vibration in vertical direction.Replace C2410 (150nF 5%; 4822 121 41854) on LSP.
vertical shift is difficult to adjust.It is recommended to add R3471 (2K2; 4822 041 20222) REMARKS : Introduced in production in week 9337.
Spook lines visible (vertical interference lines at weak signal).Replace C2536 by 1,5 nF (4822 126 11501) and add item C2545 (1nF; 4822 122 31175) on the LSP. REMARKS : Introduced in production in week 9334.
Sometimes vibration in vertical direction.Replace C2410 (150nF 5%; 4822 121 41854) on LSP.
Spook lines visible (vertical interference lines at weak signal).Replace C2536 by 1,5 nF (4822 126 11501) and add item C2545 (1nF; 4822 122 31175) on the LSP. REMARKS : Introduced in production in week 9334.
Sometimes vibration in vertical direction.Replace C2410 (150nF 5%; 4822 121 41854) on LSP.
Distorted East-West & jitter on vertical side lines at switch-on.In the FL1.16 and FL2.16: Replace position T7610 on the LSP by BD536FI (4822 130 63508). Delete position 2615. Replace position 2611 on the LSP by 2,2 uF (4822 124 41576). Replace position 3608 on the LSP by 1k (4822 051 10102). In the FL2.24: Replace po
Distorted East-West & jitter on vertical side lines at switch-on.Replace position C2611 on the large signal panel by a 1 uF capacitor: 4822 121 51319. REMARKS : The East-west distortion shows a barrel-shape. The jittering only occurs at the centre of vertical lines at the left- and right-hand side. After warm
vertical ripple on picture, and possible error code messages.The fault was suspected to be in the power supply. On investigation it was found that SOPS control pcb was heat sensitive. Fitting a replacement control PCB (4822 310 31932) cured this fault.
Sometimes vibration in vertical direction.Replace C2410 (150nF 5%; 4822 121 41854) on LSP.
Sometimes vibration in vertical direction.Replace C2410 (150nF 5%; 4822 121 41854) on LSP.
vertical deflection in lower part picture disturbed.Check/replace vertical amplifier IC7450 on LSP (4822 209 73308).
vertical deflection in lower part picture disturbed.Check/replace vertical amplifier IC7450 on LSP (4822 209 73308).
No vertical synchronizationCrystal 1100 (4822 242 72572) defective when warm. (in high-end-box)
No vertical deflectionReplace TS7571 and TS7573 (BD939F; 4822 130 42681)

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