Dicas Reparação

Modelo - Chassis

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UNIT WILL NOT LOAD CD'S IN vertical POSITION While in horizontal position, unit would load and playnormally, but when moved to vertical position, it would not load CD's.
vertical PULLED DOWN, REPLACED C501, D500 vertical pulled down voltage on IC500/pin 6 low.
WILL NOT ACCEPT CD IN vertical POSITION When CD changer is mounted in vertical positon, unit will notload CD's. Unit works fine in horizontal position. Noticed that DHsprings were not holding the DH arm assemblies in place and appeared to bemounted upside-down. Service manual shows the tabs
NO vertical, REPLACED IC1501 AND R553 ("A" BOARD) No vertical deflection. Only small horizontal line in thepicture.
vertical ROLL, REPLACED C322 Picture would roll down.
DOES NOT ACCEPT CD WHEN UNIT IS MOUNTED verticalLY When the changer was mounted vertically the CD's could notload all the way because they would hit the screw holding down the driverboard. It seems that the screw was too long.
vertical BARS IN VIDEO CAMERA MODE/REPLACE C237 In camera mode, the unit displays vertical bars after about 5minutes of warming up. C237(22uf/35V) was leaky, also physically spilledfluid on circuit board.
vertical COLLAPSE/HORIZONTAL LINE ON SCREEN, IC201 The set had a horizontal line on the screen Found Q551 andQ552 not pushed through all the way. I pushed them through, only to havesame problem. Voltages were all fine on transistors and IC201. ChangeIC201. Also found solder bridge shorting out verti
CD DOES NOT PLAY WHEN UNIT MOUNTED verticalLY Unit accepts CD but will not lock down onto spindle motorplate in vertical position. The D.H. spring becomes bent which allows thedisc to ride on top of plastic guide and not lock properly.
vertical SIZE INOPERATIVE, REPLACED C539 vertical size inoperative.
WHITE vertical LINE ON EACH SIDE OF PICTURE, REPLACE IC301 Customer heard snap sound, then the picture shifted 1 1/2 upvertically with severe keystone shape. Left side of pix had 1/4 blackvertical line in about 2. Right side of pix had 1/4 white vertical linein about 2. Service mode adjustments corrected and
vertical RINGING LINE IN PICTURE/TIGHTEN C BRD SUPPORT SCREW This unit and S/N 5005793 show same problem. vertical ringingline in picture seen in preset modes 5-9. Problem shows best at 30%IRE.Problem disappeared on first unit when I moved connector P501, butreturned.
LOSES vertical SWEEP INTERMITTENTLY, COLD SOLDER L513 No vertical sweep intermittently.
vertical JITTER AT TURN ON, REPLACED C334 ("M" BOARD) Set had severe vertical jitter at turn on, but wouldoperate normaly after a few minutes. ASC located a bad capacitor C334off IC301/pin 32 on the M Board. Capacitor checked good, out ofcircuit, but was heat senitive in circuit. Replaced with exact replac
vertical JITTER AT TURN ON, REPLACED C334 ("M" BOARD) Set had severe vertical jitter at turn on, but wouldoperate normaly after a few minutes. ASC located a bad capacitor C334off IC301/pin 32 on the M Board. Capacitor checked good, out ofcircuit, but was heat senitive in circuit. Replaced with exact replac

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