Dicas Reparação

Modelo - Chassis

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INTERMITTENT NOISE ON SCREEN WITH vertical INSTABILITY, FBT When first turned on, unit would display problem. Whenchassis turned up-side-down for bench work, problem would not show.
vertical JITTER VCR PLAYBACK, REPLACE C-203 Unit had vertical jitter on video input. With off the air TVsignal everything was ok. Traced problem to leaky C-203, couplingcapacitor to input of IC-201 pin 2.
PICTURE STRETCHED - TOO MUCH vertical SIZE , REPLACED IC-500 Picture looked ok except that channel display is above topedge of picture. When set is put in service mode, adjusting VSIZ lineand VPOS made picture ok. Customer had a second set and these settingswere quite a ways off. For example, V LIN setting is n
LOSING vertical DEFLECTION/vertical FOLDOVER IS INTERMITTENT On A board unit would have intermittent vertical foldoverand lose of vertical deflection.
vertical (JAIL) BARS IN EE MODE Unit manifested evenly spaced black vertical bars in EE pic-ture or self-recorded tape.
NO vertical SWEEP No vertical sweep. The base of Q-503 had a vertical pulse onit. Voltages were changing when you adjusted RV-502 (V. hold) and RV-503(V. size). No vertical pulse on collector or emitter of Q-503. Checkedfor open Q-503 which checked ok. Performed resi
vertical BARS IN MONITOR OUT Unit manifested black vertical bars on monitor or RF outputonly. Line out video was ok.
vertical FOLD OVER, REPLACED C-5003 vertical stretched and fold over.
vertical COLLAPSE Picture would collapse vertically after warm-up. Tubedburned.
VERY WEAK vertical SYNC, REPLACED Q-301 Very weak vertical sync.
DISTORTED PICTURE AT BOTTOM OF SCREEN - vertical INSTABILITY Picture is unstable vertically with distorted portion at thebottom of the screen.
vertical ROLLING AND PINCUSHION DISTORTION, IC-101 Set had vertical rolling and pincushion was off. Tried toadjust, the display characters on screen would change but the picturecontinued rolling and pincushing stayed the same.
vertical COLLAPSE At full voltage (120VAC) vertical collapsed. Lowering thevoltage to 95 A.C brought about an almost full deflection but you couldsee horizontal interference on the edges of the color bars. Found the10.4 Volt (VCC bias line, pin 4 of IC-301) filter cap (
UNIT ONLY PLAYS WHEN IN vertical POSITION Unit would not play when in it's normal horizontal position.If unit was in a vertical position, it would operate normally.
FOLDOVER AT TOP (vertical), REPLACED C518 There is a foldover at top of screen (vertical).

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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