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Modelo - Chassis

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vertical SYNC PROBLEM Unit came from independent service shop, they replaced IC-301on BA Brd and IC-206 on BD Brd. The vertical sync problem was notsolved (since they could not identify problem, unit was sent to us).Checked vertical sync at pin 9 on IC-206, ok. Checked pin
INTERMITTENT LOSS OF vertical DEFLECTION Unit would intermittently manifest reduced vertical deflectionand foldover. After a while, it would lose vertical deflection altogetherwith a bright horizontal line showing at the center of the screen. Tracedproblem to bad solder connection between DY
vertical SWEEP COLLAPSE, REPLACED Q-403, 404, AND 405 Failure caused CRT Permanent damage (Red CRT).
INTERMITTENT vertical PICTURE DISTORTION Intermittently, the unit would have a distorted picture.This distortion appeared on the top 25% and lower 5% of the picture area.It looked as if the top 25% of the picture would be stretched for a periodof time then, it would return to normal. The stran
INTERMITTENT CHROMA LOCK FLOATING vertical COLOR BARS In playback unit manifested vertical colored bars in picture.The actual video in the background was uncolored. Traced problem to anunlocked VCO on the VI-10 board. Tried adjusting RV-403, but noticed itwas erratic and the setting would drift with time
UNIT IN SLEEP MODE AS RESULT OF NO vertical DEFLECTION Unit in sleep mode as a result of no vertical deflection.There is a squeal present as if the horizontal frequency was off. Scopingpin 22 of IC-301 showed no VD pulse.
NO vertical SWEEP MICRO LOCKED UP, P-14/PIN 1&2 SOLDER SHORT No vertical sweep or any control over functions. There was novertical drive, pin 31, IC-301. The DC voltages on data and clock lines,pins 47 and 48, IC-301, were present. Date and clock pulses were alsopresent. A resistance check between pins 47 and
NO vertical SWEEP, REPLACED IC-1303 No vertical sweep or any functions except a narrow horizontalline on the screen. The vertical osc. waveform, IC-301/pin 34 was good.There was no vertical drive, IC-301/pin 31. The DC voltage on pin 47 and48, the data and clock line measured only 1-2 vd
vertical FOLDOVER ON TOP OF PICTURE WHEN COLD, LEAKY C-534 When unit is first turned on, unit has foldover on top ofpicture. Once it warms up, it disappears.
NO vertical, REPLACED IC-1301 No vertical. Everything checked ok.
NO vertical DEFLECTION No vertical deflection. Caused by Q-2030 failing to pullreset line to its normal high. Note: Schematic error page 55 (J-7).D-2056 should be connected at the junction of R-2198 and R-2199. It willnot operate as drawn.
vertical ROLLING, REPLACE C-1001 AND REROUTING OF CABLE The vertical rolling was affecting EXT video in and internallygenerated video. Problem 1: The EXT video rolling was caused by theshielded cable carrying comp. video linking connectors A-10 and D3 to thesync sep. routed too close to the flyback. Problem
VERY WEAK vertical HOLD Very weak vertical hold and appeared to also have a horizontalsynch problem (another shop replaced IC-501, problem not solved). Spenttime checking DC voltages, waveforms around IC-501, checked ok. Lookedcarefully at waveform on pin 24 of IC-501, vertic
vertical LINES IN PICTURE, SERVICE MODE ADJ "REF" SET TO 1 Three to four retrace lines are visible at the top of thescreen. They do not look like ordinary retrace lines, but are of solidred, blue, or green colors.
vertical LINES IN PICTURE, REF MIS ADJ, ALSO CHECK R-517 Three to four retrace lines are visible at the top of thescreen. They do not look like ordinary retrace lines, but are of solidred, blue, or green colors.

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