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Modelo - Chassis

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vertical RETRACE LINES, RE-SOLDERED C-504 ("A" BOARD) I have now seen several models, ANU-1 chassis that exhibitwhat looks to be an odd type of retrace at the bottom of the screen.There may also be a few lines missing in the middle of the screen. It isunlike vertical problems I have seen in the past. The
vertical ROLL vertical roll - 2 units.
vertical JITTER ON SELF-RECORDED TAPES vertical jitter when playing back self-recorded tapes. Thepre-recorded tape played back ok.
OVERLAPPING VIDEO AND vertical JITTER In play mode the picture is distorted (double image) and willjitter vertically. In pause mode the picture is snowy.
DARK vertical BAR ON LEFT SIDE OF PICTURE, REPLACE D-506 On turn-on this set had a narrow dark vertical bar on the leftside of the picture. As the set warmed up, the bar increased to aboutthree inches wide black on the left side of the bar grey on the rightside of the bar. The picture is ok on the rest of th
JAGGED vertical LINES, RESOLDER C-685 "G" BOARD vertical lines in the picture were jagged.
vertical JITTER AND HORIZONTAL INSTABILITY, C-520 Some inputs displayed vertical jitter horizontal bend/insta-bility and smear of bright areas of picture. Found C-520 to be leaky.Key is to look at sync inputs on pins 47 and 48 of IC-301. With strongsignal inputs the sunc tips are lower P-P value than
PICTURE CANNOT BE LOCKED verticalLY, IC-301 SEE S/B TVP0236 IC-301/CX20129 was replaced with substitute IC: CX20193. Thenthe picture was rolling vertically and could not be locked. -HQ COMMENTS: As per Service Bulletin No. TVP0236 and (0025): CX20129(early production) and CX20193 (late production) are not inter
CHARACTER DISPLAY vertical POSITION, ADJUST L-102 (IC-104) Volume, picture and bar display is too low. Bottom half ofbars below picture looked normal. Please advise how to adjust verticalposition. -HQ COMMENTS: There is no vertical position adjustment. Pin 18 ofIC-104 (A) board is the vertical adjustment inp
vertical RETRACE LINES ON TOP OF PICTURE, C-515 OPEN Lines on top of picture fold over. -HQ COMMENTS: C-515 was open.
vertical RETRACE LINES ON TOP OF PICTURE, C-515 OPEN Lines on top of picture fold over. -HQ COMMENTS: C-515 was open.
VERY DIM PICTURE, vertical LINES There were vertical lines in the picture. Video was veryweak. vertical pulses at pin 12V Com and pin 2 FRP were very distorted.Determined that LCD unit was bad.
vertical SHADOW ON THE SCREEN, SCREEN WAS MOUNTED REVERSED When viewing picture from any angle, a shadow would appearvertically from top to bottom vertically. If you viewed set directly fromthe front, the screen was clear. The cause of the problem was the screenwas mounted (inside out). How it got that way I
NO vertical The unit displayed white horizontal line. Found R-517, D-503open still no vertical. Replaced IC-500 unit ok.
INTERMITTENT vertical These units displayed intermittent vertical roll. Traced toIC-302 pin 4 and CU-301 video signal was low 1.9p.p - replaced C-520.I had two units with the same problem.

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