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Modelo - Chassis

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RAGGEDY vertical EDGES ON STRAIGHT OBJECTS (E.G. DOORS) Edges of straight lines looked like line crawl especiallyabout 1/3 center of picture.
vertical INSTABILITY, SEE SB CTV0236 CX20082 is replaced by CX20192, part number 8-752-019-20 percomputer and microfiche. vertical instability develops when installingthe recommended replacement. In addition, service bulletin 236 indicatesthese ICs are not interchangeable.
vertical JUMP USING VCR, LEAKY C-1734 There was a vertical jump in the picture using VCR playback.
vertical FOLD AT TOP OF SCREEN vertical fold at top of screen. 80 volt measured on 15 volts.T-654 secondary open.
vertical FOLD AT TOP OF SCREEN vertical fold at top of screen. 80 volt measured on 15 volts.T-654 secondary open.
vertical RED LINE AT SIDE PORTION OF THE SCREEN There is a vertical red line at the side portion of thescreen.
vertical CENTERING After replacement of color LCD unit, picture could not becentered vertically, a 1/4 inch bar at bottom of picture would be present.Also the picture was flickering.
NO vertical The unit had no vertical. We found the voltage at IC-501/P14to be zero. C-520 was shorted and causing the problem. -HQ COMMENTS: C-520/10uF/16V is located OFF pin 14/IC-501.
vertical BLANKING AREA This unit is one of four which have the same problem. When wereplaced the original LCD, all the replacements have an area near thebottom of the screen resembling insufficient sweep and displays a verticalblanking area. This symptom was not on original
vertical INSTABILITY AND SOME HORIZONTAL FLAGGING, C-520 Unit had vertical instability with either antenna or ext video(VCR Playback). With an external video generator the unit was fine.Reducing the gain of the generator unit would again have instability.Checking the signal at IC-301 pin 47 and 48 found the s
REPLACEMENT vertical OUT CHIP This chip is being replaced with uPC 1488 - P/N 8-759-113-05.It is being supplied as a kit consisting of the chip wired connector andadd-on 47pF capacitor. However, when mounted in set there will be somevertical lines in picture as well vert hold proble
REPLACEMENT vertical OUT IC UPC1358H is substituted by UPC1488H (8-759-113-05) in verticaloutput in KV-1746R. Servicer says he tried two of the subs. ICs bothtimes got the results of the picture included. He states he got a hold ofthe original IC UPC1358H and after replacement p
SLIGHT BEND IN vertical LINES Very slight bend in vertical lines at top one inch of screen.I was suggested that I try to modify AFC circuit to resolve complaint.
vertical SMEAR FROM BRIGHT OBJECT Have had two units come in for severe vertical smear frombright object. When camera is rotated, smear remains vertical. Foundsmear caused by DT61.
POOR vertical, REPLACE R-1503 AND ADJ RV-505 Unit had poor vertical interface, very noticeable about 5 in-ches down from the top of screen. Waveform at pin 2, IC-1501 displayeddistortion. Found R-1503 to be open. Replacement did not cure problembut I also had to readjust RV-505, vertical bias.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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