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Modelo - Chassis

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NO vertical SYNC ON COPY-GUARDED TAPE, ADD CAPACITOR When playing certain copy-guarded tapes, namely, two WaltDisney tapes, this TV model has absolutely no vert. sync. Picture rollsupward rapidly. This problem was noted on two other sets, same model i.e.KV27HFR. Same symptom was present using two differ
NO vertical SWEEP No vertical sweep.
vertical ROLL AND SHRINKAGE AT BOTTOM, YOKE WIRE When set was turned on picture would roll. If the verticalhold was adjusted picture would stabilize but picture was short a bottomabout 4 inches. After a couple minutes picture will roll again, adjusthold control and picture is normal.
vertical PROBLEM WHEN WATCHING COPY GUARDED TAPES When playing back some copyguarded VHS tapes the KP5000 willloose vert. lock. Approx. every 45 secs, it pulls down about 3/4 inchesthen will lock back in. No vert. jitter. -HQ COMMENTS: Copyguarded tapes can and often do cause problems. Thesolution w
OUT OF vertical SYNC Out of vertical sync - w/no color and raster is dark.
BLACK vertical LINE IN PIX Diagonal thin vertical black line about 20 degrees from theperpendicular. It looks as a crack. Would in the monitor face plate. Itis hard to lock and view on a conventional scope as it occurs every otherhorizontal line but can easily be seen in the ex
vertical JITTER vertical jitter on satellite and prerecorded copy guardedtapes.
vertical FOLDOVER AT TOP OF SCREEN vertical foldover at top of screen with overscan. Foundslight distortion in waveform at DY-3 Pin 1. All voltages normal with theexception of collector of Q1507 being 40V instead of 62.4V as received.
SLIGHT BEND IN vertical LINES Very slight bend in vertical lines at top one inch of screen.I was suggested that I try to modify AFC circuit to resolve complaint.
THESE UNITS HAD A vertical JITTER ON A SATELLITE ANTENNA When using these units on the satellite, they had a verticaljitter. I received four calls this week for this problem. Three wereKV-25XBR
vertical JITTER AND ROLLING ON COPY GUARDED TAPES vertical jumping and jitter when playing back prerecordedtape. -HQ COMMENTS: Problem is that copy guard changes the duty cycle of thetiming pulses in the vertical interval. Certain TVs and monitors are moreaffected than others. Older sets are more tol
SLIGHT LOSS OF vertical SWEEP, REPLACED C523 Set displayed slight loss of vertical sweep and foldover atthe top. This capacitor checks good on checker but proved to bedefective.
vertical JITTER ON PAY-PER-VIEW CHANNEL Customer in Chicago subscribing to Group W Cable set experi-ences vertical jitter and roll on Pay-Per-View channel only. All otherbroadcast and pay channels OK. -HQ COMMENTS: Pls compare composite video waveform at Pin 22/IC1501 forOK channels and the
UPWARD BENDING - verticalLY UP TO 2 INCHES Picture distortion-bending on top left edge of picture (verti-cally up to 2). Produced only when playing back prerecorded tapes on RCA(2 head) VCR deck. Also the same identical problem is produced when usingSony EVS-700U 8 mm video deck, but in the slo
NO vertical, REPLACED IC-501 The unit would power up but there was no pix or sound. Wefound the problem to be caused by IC-501. There was no vertical drive tothe vert. output IC. Of course this did not permit the syscon IC tooperate correctly. Replacement resolved the problem.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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