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Modelo - Chassis

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INTERMITTENT vertical JITTER WITH MOVIE TAPE, REMOVE Q-854 When playing back prerecorded movies with copyguard the tele-vision would have an intermittent vertical jitter. All other modes workedfine - off air, generator, etc. By examining the sync in the delayed modeon the scope we determined that the vert. syn
vertical LINES AND VIDEO COLLAPSED, REPLACED YOKE At turn on a 2 wide bar appeared on the screen with verticalretrace lines. Scoped Pin 2 of IC501 on D board the vertical pulse had alot of noise and Pin 5 read 6V. Checked all components in the area andused freeze spray unit OK for about 5 min. Traced
DARK vertical BARS IN PICTURE, REPLACED R812 AND C539 Dark vertical bars in pix, most prominent at left of screen.
vertical COLOR BARS, BAD SOUND, BAD VIDEO Very weak picture, vertical color bars and sound verydistorted. Found 9VDC on IC1 reading 6.5 volts.
INTERMITTENT LOSS OF vertical SYNC Critical or intermittent vert sync.
PICTURE LOSES vertical LOCK WHEN WARM Intermittent pix lock up after two to six hours on playback.
INTERMITTENT vertical JITTER ON TAPE, R-854 VALUE CHANGE This unit had an intermittent vertical jitter on copy guardtapes. The tape I viewed was MCM home video - MASK. The vertical jitterwas worse in the beginning. The tape was played through two SL-HF900and an SL-HF600 with the same results.
POOR vertical LOCKING Good pix and sync with network broadcast, but with VCR output,poor vertical lock, intmt blanking of pix. Found reduced amplitude ofcomp. video at output of U board (U-10). Signal reduced by 1/3 between Band E of Q822 buffer, but Q822 OK.
POOR vertical SYNC, REPLACED IC201 Poor vertical sync on TV operation. A/V input OK. Found weakvideo signal at CF201, but DC voltages checked OK on IC201.
POOR vertical LOCK, R580 With a change on screen from bright to dark would cause unitto loose vertical sync. With a bright scene no problem would be observed.Checking input/output of sync sep (Q507) transistor noticed that the syncwas lost when a low brightness scene was on scr
vertical BARS ON PLAYBACK vertical bars on playback caused by creases on the tape.Customer thinks the unit is damaging his tapes. Verified creases on allsize tapes.
vertical JITTER This unit had a one inch vertical jitter when playing copyguarded tapes on a Fischer VCR (Model FVH 839).
FAINT vertical LINES, REPOSITION WIRES AROUND THE FLYBACK Faint vertical lines. -HQ COMMENTS: Found repositioning the wires in the flyback vicinity caneliminate the bars. Please proceed as follows: 1) display RASTER on thescreen from signal generator. 2) move the wires around the flyback awayfrom it as far
vertical JITTER This unit had a vertical jitter on a satellite antenna. Out-put from dish was low (about 3/4Vpp). Customer has two 25XBR TVs. Theother one does not jitter. The output at IC1501 Pin 20 was about 5Vpp.
vertical JITTER ON CABLE, REPLACED TUNER AND ADJ T-201 vertical jitter up to 1 inch when connected to cable orsatellite antenna. Off air signal OK. Two sets with the same problem.Dealer exchanged the set and problem presents on replacement unit. Whenunit is connected to cable jitter, it was reduced to 1/2

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