Dicas Reparação

Modelo - Chassis

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vertical ROLLING After set warms up (approx. 1 to 2 hours), set would havevertical problems, rolling and eventually vertical collapse.
vertical JITTER WHEN HOOKED UP TO SATELLITE, SHORT R-859 vertical jitter when hooked up to a satellite.
WAVY vertical BARS, LEFT SIDE OF SCREEN With antenna connected, wavy stripes similar to those causedby cable ingress appear on left side of screen. With no antenna, signalis snowy and weak, but shows no evidence of vertical artifacts. HIT asswas replaced, with no effect. Cable assohmmeter.
UNUSUAL LOSS OF vertical SYNCHRONIZATION, PPU1A FREQ SYNTH U Random intermittent loss of video info. and vert. sync whichmay occur on any channel at any time. Pix/signal quality also appearedweak on a random intermittent basis.
vertical JITTER This unit had a 1/2 vertical jitter when using a satelliteantenna. On cable or regular VHF/UHF antenna, there was no problem.
INSUFFICIENT vertical DEFLECTION Cannot get full vertical def. vertical distortion on thetop, about 1/2 foldover.
NO GREEN vertical SWEEP With set on, there was no green and display bar (which wasblack), rolling vertically. System looks like a problem in the picturetube area, but found no green vertical sweep. With loss of verticalsweep, there is no horizontal line, because itclue was th
vertical JITTER ONLY ON CH 10 OFF THE AIR vertical jitter. Only on ch. 10 off the air. Worked normalon cable. Transmitter was approx. 10 miles from dealer.
PICTURE COLLAPSES verticalLY WHEN IN BETASCAN When SL-30 is connected to GE 19, mod #17AC3642W setcollapses vertically when in Beta scan. This does not happen with SL-5400or 5600. Tried another SL-30 with same results.
POOR HORIZONTAL AND vertical LINEARITY, READJUSTED RV851 This unit displayed poor linearity - both horiz. and vert.We found RV851 (keystone adj) misadjusted, yoke positioning incorrect andthe yoke rings set incorrectly.
vertical NOISE BAR, CONNECTION CHANGE ON R3383 AND R3384 Unit had dark vertical line in the center of the screen, onlow channels. Disconnected resistors R3383 and R3384 where they jointogether and connected them to Pin 2 of BA-9 connector.
vertical DISTORTION, REPLACE C516 This unit would play for approx. 20 minutes with no problem.After the circuit had sufficiently heated up the vertical would start tocollapse until there was only about 1/2 inches of deflection. We foundC516 to be defective. Monitoring the resistance ac
CRT ARCING AND vertical ROLL, CRT SOCKET Set would arc (more like a loud tick noise) then picture wouldvertical roll for about 20 to 30 seconds, until the next ticking noise.
NO vertical DEFLECTION, REPLACE C508 The set had two problems. No vertical deflection. Thewaveform at Pin 7, IC502 was pulsing, all the voltages were fine. FoundC508 had a 47uF instead of a 1uF that the manual calls for. The secondproblem was no high band. Found the UHF and VHF output
INTERMITTENT vertical AND DISTORTED PICTURE vertical intermittent. Pix moves up, changes linearity andshakes.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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