Dicas Reparação

Modelo - Chassis

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INTERMITTENT NO vertical DEFLECTION, REPLACED Q951 Intermittently the green picture would fold over at the topand sometimes loose all vertical deflection. When this happened, theset would blank all three CRTs. Cooling the vertical drive transistorQ5529 would restore proper operation. This was very mis
vertical ROLLING, LEAKY D513 vertical rolling and little foldover in picture, verticalcontrol in the front panel has little effect.
vertical BARS IN THE PICTURE, REPLACED C1527 Light vertical bars in the picture.
WHITE vertical BAR ON THE PICTURE, SEE CIRCUIT CHANGE BELOW White vertical bar about three inches in from the left sideof the screen. It would go away when the PC boards were opened out tothe service position.
vertical ROLL ON WEAK SIGNAL CH., RESOLDERED R581 vertical roll on weak signal level. No problem on strongvideo signal.
vertical BARS ON THE SCREEN This unit had several vertical bars on the left side.
NO vertical DEFLECTION, REPLACE C526 No vertical sweep. There was no sign of a sync pulse atPin 19, IC501. DC voltage was OK at this point. Sync pulse was presentat Pin 21, IC501. Found C526 to be leaky.
POOR vertical DEFLECTION, REPLACE C524 This unit had only about 2 inches of vertical deflection. Wefound the voltage at Pin 13/IC501 to be very low (0.8V). Output from thedriver was also low. We found C524 to be leaky. This is an importantpart of the vertical sawtooth generator.
NO RED vertical CONVERGENCE, REPLACED CRT NECK ASS'Y The red vertical convergence does not move. Found open coilon the CRT neck assembly.
vertical LINE IN THE CENTER OF THE SCREEN vertical line in the center of the screen from cross hatchgenerator. Lifted resistor's R3393 and R3384 and connected them to BA-9Pin 2. This method of getting RD of the vertical line is better thanjumping a capacitor across D3312. With the capacitor a
vertical ROLL AND FOLDOVER, REPLACED C574 AND Q551 vertical roll and fold over problem.
NO vertical SWEEP, REPLACE RV2206 No vertical sweep. Voltage at IC501 Pin 11 should be 6.3 VDC.Actual reading was 2.2 VDC. Found vertical hold control had an 8000 ohmreading center tap to case at all times.
vertical LINE ON THE PICTURE, REMOUNT Q701 vertical line appears in the center of screen on brightscenes. Found Q701 installed wrong at factory. C was connected to E.B was connected to C and E was connected to B.
POOR vertical VC amp leaky. Repaired by replacement Q101, 2SC1815 withreplacement 2SC1364. Unit was OK for 6 weeks, then Q101 failed again insame way. Replaced and checked circuit. Found no reason for failure.Perhaps static problem. Enclosed you will find the ori
vertical BARS ON THE SCREEN, REPLACED C539 vertical bars on left side of screen. Almost like ringing.Horizontal spike riding on B+.

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