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SonyCDX4050WILL NOT EJECT CD Does not eject CD. DT found piece of plastic pin in slider iscausing the slider assy to push by the CD chassis pin. Pin in slider istoo flexible or pin is positioned too far outside of slider.
SonyCDX5090DISC DOES NOT SPIN, EO4 APPEARS ON DISPLAY (FOUND Q521 BAD) Unit would load disc, sled would move optic, but spindlemotor would not spin disc.
SonyGDM20SE1SHUTDOWN AT TURN ON Unit shut down at turn on.
SonyGDM17SE1SHUTS DOWN IN A FEW SECONDS Unit shut down in a few seconds. 15v line not coming upenough to support operation.
SonyCPD17SF2MAIN BOARDS BREAKAGE Main board has a star type crack at 2 screw holes nearQ401/Q602. Cracks appear to be from screws being tightened too much atfactory. SN 2102538/2103925/2103929/2108588/2103923/2103928.
SonyCPD17SF2ON SCREEN DISPLAY STUCK ON Unit had Size display on screen. Would not go off when anycontrols were pressed. IC901 Pin 16 voltage read about 3v instead of 5v.
SonyCPD17SF2UNIT DEAD, FRONT PANEL LED OFF Unit dead, no light on front panel. Check IC601. OutputPin 14 has no output waveform. IC601/15/16 have about 11v. C609 has 168V. Unplug power cord and positive side of C609 is still at 168V.
SonyCPD17SF2UNIT DEAD During troubleshooting, measured C609 voltage at 168 V evenwith power cord unplugged. To see if IC601 is working, opened output pin14. Lifted gate of Q602 to check waveform. Unit burned Q602, IC601, andT601 very quickly.
SonyCPD1425PART NUMBER CORRECTION Service Bulletin C/P0100 has VR307 listed as T99857471 andalso as T99858191. Both part numbers are incorrect, I believe correctpart number is T99858181. -HQ COMMENT Check SB CSI-111 No. 100R1. This was issued in Jan.1996 with updated replacement p
SonyWMFX435UNIT WOULD NOT SWITCH DIRECTIONS Unit was dropped, landing on dir button, bending chassisand damaging ref 113.
SonyWMFX435GEAR CHATTER IN FWD/RVS DIRECTION, PLAY Gear chatter in both direction of play.
SonyWMFX435NO FM RECEPTION No reception in FM, unit only produces static. Commonproblem, seen in three units in a row.
SonyWMFX435MECH JAMS Play lever gets stuck. Assembly where clutch assy (#115) isattached becomes loose and gets stuck under play lever.
SonyWMFX435FF/RW SPRING POST BREAKS OFF CHASSIS Post that hold spring ref 112, breaks off of chassis. Fastforward and rewind buttons do not disengage and are jammed in downpossition. This requires replacement of entire chassis ref 109, torestore operation. Very time consuming.
SonyWMFX433NO FM RECEPTION No reception in FM, unit only produces static. Commonproblem, seen in three units in a row.

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