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SonyD421SPNO AUDIO IN ESP MODE ONLY - REPLACE IC602, P/N 8-752-346-14 No audio in ESP model only. When the unit was switched intoESP, the data output, pin 25 on IC602 the ESP controller was not present.When switched back to regular mode the data returned.
SonyD421SPUNIT DEAD - RESOLDER X801 Unit was dead. Observed X801 desoldereed from PCB.
SonyD335UNIT WOULD ABRUPTLY STOP DURING PLAY Unit would abruptly stop during play. Lip on lid would notfully engage open switch. Noticed significant play of pcb to bottomcabinet.
SonyD335SKIPPING ON ESP - REPLACE OPTICAL BLOCK Sounds like unit is skipping on ESP only. RF eye pattern wasgood but traverse wave was high and could not be adjusted.
SonyD143UNIT WON'T READ A DISC Disc table won't spin and unit won't read disc.
SonyD143UNIT POWERS UP THEN SHUTS DOWN WITHIN 2 SECONDS Unit would power up but shuts down within 2 seconds.
SonyD133UNIT WOULD NOT OPERATE - RESOLDER R2 Found R2 not soldered properly. This in effect disconnecteda ground. Unit would not work properly. There was no turntable or sledmovement.
SonyD131DISK SPINS BACKWARDS SOMETIMES INTERMITTENT Disk spins backwards. Unit showed no problems in 2 hours oftesting. Then it failed by rotating backwards after stopping play.Replaced main board. Unit worked temporarily then failed again. Spindlemotor sounded good to fair for noise output level.
SonyD131INTERMITTENTLY READS NO DISK - RESOLDERED IC801 Unit would not read discs. I put pressure on door open/closeswitch and unit would function correctly.
SonyD131INABILITY TO READ DISCS - REPLACE IC501, P/N 8-752-063-45 Unit sent in with C file but no explanation of problem.Found unit skips. Changed optic block but it continued to skip and thennot play.
SonyD131DIFFERENT MAIN BOARD The main board in this unit does not match the manual or anyof the suppliments. The P/N on the board is 165395511. Need schematic toT/S unit. -HQ COMMENTS: Contact Kansas City Parts, att'n: Jamie Lyon, phone #816-891-7550 ext 256, fax # 816-891-2580.
SonyD121NO POWER - RESOLDER HOLD SWITCH Unit would not turn on.
SonyD111INABILILTY OF OPTICS TO MOVE Customer complaint of making a clicking sound. Would notread a disc due to the inability of the optics to move toward innerlimit. This is a refurb unit.
SonyCFD758CONSTANT BUZZING - DEFECTIVE OUTPUT IC307 Constant buzzing when unit was plugged in. When unit wasturned on, the buzzing got louder.
SonyCFD676AUDIO AND DISPLAY GO OUT - COLD SOLDER ON MCB After unit warms up the audio & display backlight goes out.Found C373 had a cold solder joint on the negative side of the cap. Thereis a jumper wire from this cap to pin of IC306. The jumper wire wassoldered to the leg of the cap but not soldered pr

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