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SonyEVS7000NO DISPLAY - REPLCE OPEN R208/100K ON FM16 BOARD No display.
SonyEVS5000CLOCK GAINED SEVERAL SECS A DAY - ADJUST CLOCK FREQUENCY The clock gained several seconds a day.
SonyKV32XBR45NO VIDEO ON MAIN PICTURE, RESOLDER Q421 ON UA BOARD No vidoe on main display but PIP video was ok. Check videoat pin 47 IC402 it was ok. Pin 40 video out of IC402 has no video,replaced IC but, still no video. Check followed this line to Q421and found collector has not enough solder to PC board.
SonyKV32XBR45NO VERTICAL DUE TO NO 5V DC SUPPLY TO MICRO, REPLACE D613 Unit came in with no picture or sound. Discovered that itdid not have vertical deflection. All data lines were low. Between 3and 3.6V p-p. Nothing was loading them down. Found shorted diode D613on open resistors R623, 624 and 625 in 5V set line.
SonyKV32XBR37NO PICTURE, R701 Customer complain of no picture, dark screen. Voltage checkon C board showed low G2 voltage on pin 5 of CRt socket. CN702 pin 1measured 1000v, resistance test of R701 showed open resistor.
SonyKV32XBR100INCOMPLETE MENU SCREEN, X BOARD No channel display in screen and missing icons in left handside menu. Found X board popped out from PCB support clip and is causingpoor connection between CN5002 (X board) and CN7001 (A board).See servicee manual page 76 component side matrix A:1. S/N
SonyKV27XBR29POOR FOCUS ON EDGES, REMOVED SOLDER SPLASH Unit had poor focus on edges. Was not possible to getuniform focus. Problem caused by a solder splash shorting quadrapoleoutput Q908 between collector and emitter. This also overheated L902. Itappears that the problem was present from the factory, n
SonyKV27V55NO PICTURE NO SOUND BUT HIGH VOLTAGE, IC301 TV turns on but no picture and no sound, but has highvoltage. When increasing screen voltage (G2) you can see horizontal line. Vertical drive pulses missing from IC301 M Board.
SonyKV27S10INSUFFICIENT VERTICAL, YOKE Picture pulled up about one inch from bottom. Adjustingcontrols allowed picture to fill out but centering was off. Whencentering was adjusted picture folded over. Replacement of yoke resolvedproblem.
SonyKP61XBR48CAN'T SWAP PIP AND MAIN PICTURE, CUSTOMER SETUP IN MENU Customer complaint was he could not swap his PIP and mainpictures. Otherwise the PIP worked normally.
SonyKP46S55POOR CONVERGENCE, CRACKED CONNECTION "D" BOARD Customer complained of poor blue registrations, notadjustable with customer control.
SonyKP41T15DEAD, SHORTED AUDIO OUTPUT IC No power. Found power supply dead and shorted Audio output IC. Reported by Ted Kim, Kim's Electronics
SonyKP41T15DEAD, REPLACED D803 C808 AND R854 ON E BOARD The unit has no power, check the power supply and high voltage. I found unit lost 200V. Reported by Ted Kim, Kim's Electronics.
SonySPP2000ALTERNATE SOLUTION TO BATTERY CONTACT SPRING PROBLEM Battery springs collapse causing intermittent operation.
SonySPP1000MYSTERIOUS FAILURE, AC ADAPTER DEAD, NO OPERATION Unknown case of multiple component failure. Samplesforwarded, AC adapter blown. -HQ COMMENTS: I examined the sample and noticed that D404 was eitherremoved or missing. Without this diode there is about 100 volts ofcounteremf generated by the line rel

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