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SonyKV20S10INTERMITTENT SNOWY PICTURE, REPLACED TUNER Unit came in first 15 min snowy picture, no audio. Bump teston tuner had no effect. VCC into tuner ok. no ouput signal.
SonyKP53XBR35UNIT SHUT DOWN, REPLACED C1718 FOR 15V LINE ON D BOARD At power on unit would immediately go into shut down.Problem was caused by an excessive load on the +18v line to D board.Found C1718 shorted. Cap filters the +15v line. -SOLUTION Replacement resolved problem. -HQ COMMENTS: Thank you for your report.
SonyKP46V15NO PICTURE INTERMITTENT LOSS OF HIGH VOLTAGE, CRACKED BOARD Cust. complaint of intermittent picture. When first turnedon timer led flashed, but no picture appeared. Troubleshooting revealedno high voltage being produced.
SonyKP46V15NO PIP WINDOW OR PICTURE, ADJUSTED PPLL Customre reported when PIP function selected PIP channel #would appear but no PIP window. Swapping would produce PIP picture onmain screen but still no PIP window.
SonyKP46V15DEAD, T502 Unit came in with shorted power supply switching transistors. Power supply problem caused by an excessive load. Specifically thehorizontal driver transformer T502 was shorted primary to secondary.Replacement of the transformer along with the switching
SonyKP41T15R854 PART NUMBER INCORRECT, 1-249-447-11 The part number for resistor R854 in the Service Manual page113 is incorrect. It lists the part number for an 1/16 ohm resistor.The correct part number should be 1-249-447-11.
SonyKP41T15NO PICTURE, REPLCED IC905 FOR -12V LINE ON E BOARD The unit has no picture and no high voltage.
SonySPP1000INTERMITTENT DIAL TONE Intermittent dial tone, tapping board reveals problem.
SonySPP1000ONLY POWER LED AFTER FEW MINS OF OPERATION - CHANGE C333 Base stops working after a few min. of operation.3 v line drops to 1.2v and regulator and cap get warm. Cap C333 leaky.Part # and schematic list a 10mf cap. Actual value is 4.7mf. Pleaseadvise. -HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to the new version od s/m
SonyMDP605ANOTHER MODEL WITH CAPACITOR LEAKAGE AND CORROSION LV20 PCB has leaking surface mount capacitors. Board has black corroded traces and feed throughs.
SonyTCWR565ERRATIC MECHANISM - REPLACED IC701 Unit would not open doors, play in forward direction or takeup tape in reverse direction on both a and b decks.
SonyTAN90ESUNIT GOES INTO PROTECT - REPLACED IC202 AND C204 Amplifier goes into protect mode. DC offset is comming out ofIC202 (-18VDCO) and leaking through the reverse bias cap C204.
SonySTRGX700ESUNIT IN PROTECTION - RESOLDERED SHIELD GROUND ON SURR BD. Unit in protection. Found bd solder connections onshield ground by cd in connector on surround board.
SonySTRD965UNIT DEAD - REPLACED PROTECT TRANSISTORS No power to front panel or speakers.
SonySTRD965UNIT GOES INTO PROTECT - REPLACED IC671 Unit goes into protect, found IC671 defective, putting dcvoltage on load line.

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