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SonyKP41EXR96"D" BOARD CAPS WRONG VALUE & P/N, 1-131-353-00 S/M states C1713 and C1718 on page 162 are 0.001 uf/caps In reality they are 10uf/35 volt Tantalum. -Request: Need the correct P/N . -HQ COMMENTS: The correct P/N is 1-131-353-00. These caps are located on the D Board I
SonyFDL22NO BATTERY OPERATION, DEFECTIVE BATTERY TERM. Unit not working on battereis, ok with ac adaptor. Foundretainer for positive battery terminal protruding out too far, preventingcontact with battery.
SonyTAM2000WON'T RECEIVE CALLS/CANNOT PROGRAM ANY FUNCTIONS Won't receive calls/cannot program any functions.
SonySPPQ210NO SOUND IN HANDSET - RESOLDER CN502 Unit grabbed line but no sound in handset. Checked SP501 itwas 180 ohms. Checked CN502 it was 18.2 Kohms.
SonySPP72HANDSET HAS NO POWER - RESOLDER BATTERY CONNECTOR J502 Hand unit either not operational or battery is discharged.Found poor solder connections on J502 battery connector on hand board.Not enough solder for a secure grip. This connector is pulled whenreplacing batteries.
SonySPP71HANDSET HAS NO POWER - RESOLDER BATTERY CONNECTOR J502 Hand unit either not operational or battery is discharged.Found poor solder connections on J502 battery connector on hand board.Not enough solder for a secure grip. This connector is pulled whenreplacing batteries.
SonySPP2010UNIT HAD LOTS OF STATIC THEN WENT DEAD - REPLACE X301 Unit would lock up on one channel only and would not changechannels. Found TX frequency off. Checked for correct VCO's.
SonySPP1000NO DIGITAL CODE PGM/NO RING/NO TALK - REPLACE IC605 Unit had no digital code PGM, no ring and no talk. Reset IC605inverter output was at 1.6v with VDD at 4.8v. IC605 was defective.
SonySCT100WON'T MAKE OUTGOING CALLS - RESOLDER BATTERY TERMINALS,65 Won't make outgoing calls. Unit would work but unit wouldcut off after a few minutes. Battery would not hold charge.
SonyITID500PHONE NOT RECOGNIZING NUMBERS Phone will not read out phone numbers on screen since ..itdoes not recognize number on local calls.
SonyMDP650WILL NOT PLAY ALL OF SOME DISCS - SEE BELOW Customer complained unit will not play all of some discs.Checked unit out and tried another optical block. All adjustments meetspecs but unit will not play all of some of the discs that customer rentedthat will play on other machines. All of servicers
SonyTCWR665SNO POWER - CNP701 LOOSE Unit dead.
SonyTCWR565NO RECORD - RESOLDERED IC805 Unit had no record. Playback ok. Problem caused by IC805/EQswitch being poorly installed/soldered. Pins 9-16 not inserted throughboard. Result was no record bias.
SonyTCWR545NO FUNCTION OR DISPLAY - REPLACED OPENED R860 Unit had power but functions and display would not work.Inspection of key inputs found R860 had opened. R860 is in key 5 laddercircuit. The failure was caused by -30v line shorting with key 5. Key 5is adjacent to -30v line on ribbon cable.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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