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SonyXR6450WON'T ACCEPT TAPE, FOUND "TAPE IN 2" LEVER REF 131 DISLODGED Unit won't accept tape and keeps ejecting. Found tape leverRef 131 slips out of position causing lever not to activate the loadingswitch SW1 on the reel sensor ref #129.
SonyXR6450NO RIGHT/LEFT CHANNEL SPEAKER (FOUND COLD SOLDER ON IC901) Unit has no audio (right/left channel speakers). Found IC901cold soldered.
SonyXR6450LOUD BEEPING NOISE WHEN KEYS PRESSED Unit makes very loud beeping noise every time a button isdepressed. Found lifted/burned trace between pin 44 of IC501 to resistorR536.
SonyXR4420NO AUDIO, SCAN WOULD NOT STOP ON RADIO Unit would not have any audio, plus scan stop would notwork as well. Unit would just scan up and down the complete band.
SonyXR3500NO TUNER FUNCTION (FOUND NO SOLDER ON R604) No tuner function, found no solder on R604.
SonyXR2500NO AUDIO/TAPE DECK ALWAYS ON (BLINKING DISPLAY) Unit has no audio and tape deck always on. Display is alsoblinking. Found transistor Q301 (AMS on/off) shorted.
SonyXR2500NO ILLUMINATION (FOUND R373 OPEN) Unit has display but no illumination. Found resistor R373open, causing lamps PL801/802 not to work.
SonyMDXC150CAN'T SELECT CD CHANGER (FOUND OPEN TRACE NEAR CN500 PIN 7) Could not select a CD changer.
SonyEXR21NO AUDIO (FOUND IC601 DEFECTIVE, LANDS DAMAGED) Unit had no audio. Found pins 6 and 7 of IC601 were notsoldered, or became unsoldered when IC601 failed. Also, several landswere damaged.
SonyEXR21INTERMITTENT AUDIO FROM LINE OUT, SPEAKER OUT OK The unit had intermittent audio from the line out connector.The speaker out was OK.
SonyEXR21JAMMED MECHANISM (CAUSED BY DAMAGED GEAR ON REF. 128) The mechansim was jammed.
SonyEXR21UNIT LOADS/UNLOADS TAPE AT RANDOM (CLEANED MODE SWITCH S901) The unit would load/unload tape at random.
SonyEXR21NO AUDIO (FOUND Q311 DEFECTIVE) The unit had no audio.
SonyEXR21NO DISPLAY, ALL OTHER FUNCTIONS OK (FOUND D571 DEFECTIVE) The unit had no display. All other functions were normal.
SonyEXR21EATS TAPES (FOUND B-T WASHER REF. 124 WAS MISSING) The unit eats tapes.

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