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SonyCDX71ERROR CODE E99, DISC STUCK IN UNIT (FOUND EV GEAR MIS-TIMED) The controller displayed E99 one disc was stuck inside of theunit.
SonyCDX71SKIPS WHEN PLAYING OUTER TRACKS (SEE BULLETIN 358R2 FOR FIX) The unit skips when playing the outer (higher number) trackson the disc.
SonyCDX65RFSKIPS WHEN PLAYING OUTER TRACKS (SEE BULLETIN 358R2 FOR FIX) The unit skips when playing the outer (higher number) trackson the disc.
SonyCDX65SKIPS WHEN PLAYING OUTER TRACKS (SEE BULLETIN 358R2 FOR FIX) The unit skips when playing the outer (higher number) trackson the disc.
SonyCDX5490UNEXPLAINED ERROR CODE IN TEST MODE: "E-A0" An unexplained error code appeared on the display while in thetest mode. The code is E-A0. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo told us that program bugs may account forunexplained error codes. In this particular case, the E-A0 appears whenthe unit tried to eject the
SonyCDX5490ERROR CODE E44 Servicer has unit that customer complained it dropped out oncein awhile. Servicer has not been able to duplice problem. Put unit intest mode. After 6 hours of playing E44 came up on display but unit kepton playing. Noted FPR 03252. Here's another er
SonyCDX5490WON'T STOP ON STATIONS IN SEEK (FOUND Q506 WAS OPEN). The unit would not stop on any stations during seek tuning.
SonyCDX5490INTERMITTENT AUDIO (RESOLDERED AMP IC303) The unit had intermittent audio.
SonyCDX5490BACKLIGHTING FLASHES ON AND OFF (CLEANED FACEPLATE CONTACTS) The backlighting would flash on and off.
SonyCDX5490WOULD NOT LOAD PROPERLY (FOUND 2 DAMPER SHAFTS BROKEN) The unit would not load properly.
SonyCDX5490LEFT SIDE OF DISPLAY DARK (FOUND PL802 DEFECTIVE) When the green illumination color was selected, the left sideof the display was dark.
SonyCDX5490LCD FLICKERS ON AND OFF (FOUND Q500 POORLY SOLDERED) The LCD would flicker on and off all other functions workedfine.
SonyCDX5490FACEPLATE WILL NOT STAY LOCKED IN PLACE (REPLACED LOCK ASSY) The faceplate will not stay locked in place.
SonyCDX5490DEAD (FOUND D502 AND Q505 SHORTED) Unit was dead.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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