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SonyKV27XBR35PIP ROLLING VERTICALLY AND SHUTDOWN, ROSOLDER Q323 ON E1 BRD Intermittently, pip started rolling vertically, few secondslater pip and main picture blanked, another few seconds and shutdownactivated. Pin38 of E1 board had no vertical pulse which provides syncto P1,P3, M and E2 boards. Found cold solder Q323 col
SonyKV27V55BUZZ IN SPEAKERS, SEE SB 250R1 Customer complained about slight buzz from speakers. This is the same problem that J. Kolokithias had in PA. It also happens that this svcr is in PA. Same problem as I reported on KV27XBR37. -HQ COMMENTS: Please r
SonyKV27V10NO AUTO PROGRAM FUNCTION, RESPLDERED R062 Unit would not auto-program. Feature would not work due toabsence of H SYNC at IC101/pin 28. Problem cuased by poor solderconnection on R062 in the base circuit of Q0001, M board. Sync separatorcircuit which inputs to IC101/pin 28. Resoldering solve
SonyKV27TS29INTERMITTENT BRIGHTNESS, REPLACED R526 Brightness does not always come on. Found R526, 220k open.
SonyKV27S15INTERMITTENT NO CHANNEL CHANGE(BUT OSD CHANGE),R005 ON M BRD Unit would intermittently not change channels, but the OSD would indicate that the channels were changing.
SonyKV27S10VERTICAL DOWN ABOUT 2 IN FROM TOP, REPLACED R539 & IC101 Vertical was down about 2 from top. checked voltage on TP98and read 1.8v. Tech determined to be FBT. Replaced FBT with sameproblem. Checked another set and TP98 should be 11.8v not 15v asschematic states. Traced problem to R539 had changed value from
SonyKV27S10NO PICTURE, REPLACED R701 No picture but has sound. Found low voltage on G2 pin5 crt socket... Found R701 open.
SonyKV27FX10NO PICTURE SOUND OK, REPLACED R542 AND D809 No picture, but sound is OK.
SonyKV27EXR25UNIT SHUT DOWN, REPLACED IC101 Shut down intermittently. OSD had a 60Hz bend only OSD picture perfect.
SonyKV20VM20TINY HOR.LINE IN MIDDLEOF SCREEN,IC301/PIN 7 RE-SOLDERED Tiny horizontal line that split screen in middle.Replacing IC1301 didn't hold. Found crack on foil connected toic-301/pin 7.
SonyKV20VM20NO AUDIO, REPLACED FL401 No audio signal at the audio input connector P1602/pin 1 onthe D board. Nor at the base of Q451 on the MA board. Audio waspresent at IC401/pin 14 . Found Filter FL401 located between IC401/pin 14 and the base of Q451 was open.
SonyKV20S101/3 OF PICTURE IS BLANKOUT, RESOLDERED FLYBACKPIN 8 Pix 1/3 up screen, no video just raster, bottom 1/3 of pix isblack not scanned on. -SOLUTION :Replaced IC501, believe vert problem? Turned out that 13vwas low, 11v, found out pin 8 of FBT bad joint resoldered pin 8 set ok.Do not understand why 13v lin
SonyKV20S10INTERMITTENT TUNING, REPLACED TUNER Channels get static then come on.
SonyKV20S10DEAD, NPF, Dead.
SonyKV20S10PICTURE FLIPS, ADJ VFRE Picture flips.

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