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SonySPP2100HANDSET CUTS IN AND OUT DURING C0NVERSATION Handset cuts in and out during conversation. Battery terminalsin handset were not making secure contact with the battery. They wereeither bent out of shape (due to pressure exerted by battery when pushedin), or desoldered. If ref 16 (battery terminal) is
SonySPP2100LOW BATTERY AFTER CHARGING. Customer states they have low battery after charging for longtime.
SonySPP2010EXCESSIVE CROSSOVER DISTORTION ONTO HANDSET SPEAKER. Excessive crossover distortion onto handset speaker.
SonySPP2010HANDSET CUTS IN AND OUT DURING C0NVERSATION Handset cuts in and out during conversation. Battery terminalsin handset were not making secure contact with the battery. They wereeither bent out of shape (due to pressure exerted by battery when pushedin), or desoldered. If ref 16 (battery terminal) is
SonySPP2010LOW BATTERY AFTER CHARGING. Customer states they have low battery after charging for longtime.
SonySPP2000EXCESSIVE CROSSOVER DISTORTION ONTO HANDSET SPEAKER. Excessive crossover distortion onto handset speaker.
SonySPP2000HANDSET CUTS IN AND OUT DURING C0NVERSATION Handset cuts in and out during conversation. Battery terminalsin handset were not making secure contact with the battery. They wereeither bent out of shape (due to pressure exerted by battery when pushedin), or desoldered. If ref 16 (battery terminal) is
SonySPP2000LOW BATTERY AFTER CHARGING. Customer states they have low battery after charging for longtime.
SonySPP1010HANDSET CUTS IN AND OUT DURING C0NVERSATION Handset cuts in and out during conversation. Battery terminalsin handset were not making secure contact with the battery. They wereeither bent out of shape (due to pressure exerted by battery when pushedin), or desoldered. If ref 16 (battery terminal) is
SonySPP1010WIRING IC NUMBER AT PIC DIAGRAM PGE 22 S/M IC901 and IC910 are wrong in pictorial diagram at printedwiring board handset.
SonySPP1010NO TONE DIALING, PULSE OK - REPLACE DIALER IC503 IN BASE No tone dialing, pulse ok.
SonySPP1010LOW BATTERY AFTER CHARGING. Customer states they have low battery after charging for longtime.
SonySPP1000UNIT LOCKED ON THE LINE - REPLACE IC501, P/N 875927391 Unit seized the line as soon as it was powered up. Line relayRY401 on base set was energized all the time. Replacement of relay drivetransistor Q401 did not fix the problem.
SonySPP1000UNIT WILL NOT FULLY CHARGE - REPLACE IC801, P/N 875932467 Unit will not indicate that battery is fully charged even ifit measures a full charge.
SonySPP1000HANDSET CUTS IN AND OUT DURING C0NVERSATION Handset cuts in and out during conversation. Battery terminalsin handset were not making secure contact with the battery. They wereeither bent out of shape (due to pressure exerted by battery when pushedin), or desoldered. If ref 16 (battery terminal) is

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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