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Resultados 81875

SonyKV13VM21VCTAPE STUCK, TICK NOISE WHEN UINT TURNED OFF,REPLACED D1822 Set would make a ticking noise when off, replaced ZD1822 asper FPR, cured. Note: the Q1801 stand by regulator was not mounted toits heat sink If Q1801 got too hot due to no heat sink it could damageZD1822. Since it connects to its emitter. It would
SonyKV13VM20TAPE JAMMED, REPLACED CAPSTAN MOTOR Found capstan motor frozen. Jammed tape
SonyKV13VM20TICK WHEN OFF AND AFTER GLOW, REPLACED D1822 Replaced D1822 to cure tick noise. Added heat sink compoundto Q1801 it was not mounted. -SoLUTIOIN: D1822 corrects tick noise when off. Does Q1801 need to beheat sinked since it sits next to one? Its emitter connects to D1722which was bad. Is after
SonyFD525STATION DOES NOT LOCK, REPLACED IC101 Can't sync video on all the channels.
SonySPPS20DEAD AC ADAPTER Charge board is broken (4 pcs). The part # is recognized butthere is no stock. Furthermore, there is no part # for complete charger. -HQ COMMENTS: You can go ahead and order the charge board. KCP has 2 onback order from WRPC.
SonySPPER1WILL NOT TAKE CHARGE Intermittently will not take charge.
SonySPPA450UNIT FAILS TX FREQ OFFSET IN BASE - REPLACE C113 AND C114. Unit fails TX freq offset in base.
SonySPPA250ICM CUTS OFF AFTER 7 SECONDS - RESOLDER R101 Unit cuts off ICM after 7 seconds, whether or not person wastalking. Vox circuit not working properly. Found excessive glueprevented proper solder flow on one end of R101.
SonySPP2010NO AUDIO HEARD ON EARPIECE WHEN YOU SPEAK Complaint was: Cannot hear caller. No feedback audio heardon earpiece. B & K did not register modulation, but Schlumberger showedno problem with handset. Base failed audio test. There was audio at pin3 of expander but very low at pin 2.
SonySPP2000NO DESIGNATION OF ID ROM ICS Unit would not grab line.
SonyITID500NO DISPLAY NO FUNCTION - REPLACE IC501 Unit had no display no dial tone, no ring and no keyfunctions however, line light would come on when off hook.
SonyITA555DISTORTED AUDIO DIGITAL - REPLACE IC608 AND IC609 Playback audio pulsates on and off rapidly.
SonyGVS50UNDOCUMENTED DIODE ON AU-136 BD / P/N 871911827 There is a diode across the video connector on the AU-136board that looks like it was a modification to the original board. Thereis no part number. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is 8-719-118-27. It is there to protectagainst static electricity.
SonyGV300NO COLOR OR PLAYBACK OF TAPES - REPLACED IC701 No color on playback of tape
SonyTCWR901ESSLOW IN ONE DIR, OR WON'T PLAY DECK A/B - CLEAN & RE-LUBED The tapes play slow in one direction only or will not playat all. The problem is caused by the grease used on the flywheelassembly. It gets hard and impedes free movement.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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