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SonyWMSXF39GEAR (REEL) (R) NOT ILLUSTRATED IN SERVICE MANUAL The GEAR (REEL) (R) is not illustrated in the service manualand is not assigned a part number. The Deck Mechanism on page 20illustrates item 109, GEAR (REEL) (L), but this part is slightly differentfrom its counterpart. -HQ COMMENTS: Contact Kansas Cit
SonyWMSXF39FF BUTTON STICKING - REPLACE CHASSIS ASSY, P/N X-3367-210-1 Fast forward button sticks. Part of the fast forward leveris broken, therefore, the retraction spring won't work correctly.
SonyICFSW100SFLEXIBLE PC BOARD - WRONG PART NUMBERFlexible Printed C. Boards ref.#19 and #28 have wrong part numbers. Ref # 19 is 1-651-256-11. Ref # 28 is 1-651-257-11. -HQ COMMENTS: A service Bulletin will be issued.
SonyICF7601NO OPERATION IN SW MODE - REPLACE D2, P/N 8-719-800-76 AM/FM is fine, SW inoperable.
SonyICF2010KIWA ELECTRONICS MODIFICATIOIN FILTERS Please note the attached from Kiwa Electronics.This paperwork details the installation of after market filters for theICF2010. There have been some reports in my area of failures associatedwith the incorrect installation of the filters. The filters w
SonyICF2010CORRECT PART FOR IC503 IC503 on PCB in unit is a surface mount. IC sent from KC isa dip. There are at least two different versions of key PCB 1-614-278-14& 1-614-278-13. Need correct part for IC503 using key PCb 1-614-278-14. -HQ COMMENTS: Contact Kansas City Parts, attn
SonyKVX370NO PICTURE BUT SOUND IS OK, REPLACED LEAKY CAP C1527 ON D1 Unit has sound but no raster.
SonyKV8AD11WILL NOT OPERATE BY REMOTE, REPLACE IC101(MICRO) ON A BOARD After a time unit will not operate by remote.
SonyKV32XBR95LINES ACROS THE SCREEN, REPALCE 5V REG. IC1204 ON P BOARD Unit has lines across the screen.
SonyKV32XBR37NO MAIN PIX, REPLACED COMB FILTER Had child pix but no main pix. Traced video to CN157/pin 8(Video in) on the UA Board. Video input to comb filter Module CN1201was OK. Had no C or Y output from filter CN157/pins 2 & 4. Jumpered V into Y and C out and got main picture back.
SonyKV32XBR36PIP HAS FLICKERING AND INCORRECT COLORS, C3052 ON P1 BOARD Unit came to shop with PIP flickering and incorrect colors,then symptoms changed to no parent or child picture, but High Voltageis normal. Check P1 board and found C3052 shorted. Apparently, leakyC3052 was original cause, then it got completely shorte
SonyKV32V15NO PICTURE NO SOUND, RE SOLDERED Q591 TV has noise but no sound or raster.
SonyKV27XBR95SVERT.INTERFERENCE IN PICTURE,RE SOLDERED C652,Q605,AND D655 Vertical interference throughout the whole picture. SOLUTION: Re-soldered on the power supply board components C652, Q605,and D655.
SonyKV27XBR55NO VIDEO, RANDOM RED GREEN & BLUE ON TOP OF SCREEN No video, rainbow, red, green and blue hor lines across thetop of the screen. DC voltage on IC500/pin 2 was about 7v. Wentback to 15v rect and measured 7v R517 read 23 ohms.
SonyKV27XBR55NO PIX, REPLACED D1304 No picture. Discovered system clock pulls IC301/pin 47 below 5V. Found leaky diode D1304 on B board.SOLUTION: Replace diode.

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