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SonyKV27XBR37NO COLOR(B/W PICTURE), REPLACE IC301 Y/C JUNGLE TV has picture and sound, but no color.
SonyKV27XBR37NO MAIN PIX, REPLACED COMB FILTER Had child pix but no main pix. Traced video to CN157/pin 8(Video in) on the UA Board. Video input to comb filter Module CN1201was OK. Had no C or Y output from filter CN157/pins 2 & 4. Jumpered V into Y and C out and got main picture back.
SonyKV27TS27TUNER HAD ADDITIONAL COLD SOLDER JOINTS THEN IN SB 203R2 In performing what was required in Service Bulletin 203R2. I found additional bad solder connections, then listed in the bulletin.
SonyKV27TS27DISTORTED AUDIO AFTER WARM UP, REPLACE MM201 Audio got distorted after warmup Pin 12 of MM201 looked ok but the ouputs at pins 10 & 11 looked bad.
SonyKV27TS20NO PICTURE NO SOUND, BLINKING SLEEP LIGHT TV has no picture and sound, but sleep light keeps blinking.
SonyKV27S15LOSES COLOR, LEAKY CAPS ON M BOARD After 15-20 minits, color starts fading slowly, Replacing IC301 and X301 did no solve problem.
SonyKV27S10NO PICTURE, COLD SOLDER ON Q581(HOT) TV has sound and B+ is ok, but no high voltage.
SonyKV27S10RED VIDEO WITH RETRACE, REPLACED IC301 Video was red with retrace. Cooled IC301 with freeze spraypictures went blue with retrace. IC-301 siginal going in was OK buthad low RGB output to the C board.
SonyKV2782AEBTV SHUTS OFF BY ITSELF, RESOLDERED IC-351 ("A" BOARD) TV shuts off by itself.
SonyKV20VM20VCR DOES NOT PLAY EATS TAPES, AC CORD JAMMED PENDULUM Found piece of AC cord used to hook into back cabinetinside VCR. This piece locked up the pendulum movement, no reel rotation. -HQ COMMENTS: Please let us know if you seen this problemagain.
SonyKV20V50NO PICTURE, COLD SOLDER ON CRT SOCKET TV has sound, but no picture.
SonyKV20V50SOUND LEVEL GOES LOW AFTER 20 MINUTES After about 20 minutes the sound began to go low.
SonyKV20TS32DISPLAY INDICATION WON'T GO AWAY, REPLACE IC101 MICRO TV works fine but channel indication won't go away.
SonyKV20TS29RASTER EXPANDS INTERMITTENTLY, REPLACED FBT Customer complained of pix stretching out intermittently. Techncian of servicer found High Voltage is increasing and decreasing slightly at a regular rate.
SonyKV20TS27TV SHUTS OFF, REPLACED CRT After playing for one minute the picture displaysbright blue lines. Then it shuts down. -SOLUTION : Replace shorted CRT.

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