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SonyCDPC545AUDIO LOSS - X301 DEFECTIVE Audio loss after approx. 30 seconds to 1 minute of play.
SonyCDPC315AT POWER ON SLED DOES NOT COME TO HOME POSITION - REPL IC301 Upon power up the sled did not come to the home position.
SonyCDP2700STATIC IN AUDIO D/A CONV NOT SWITCHING ON - REPL IC901 Static in audio all the time, no music, no B+ going to theD/A converters which are IC401 and IC501
SonyXRU880INSUFFICIENT QTY. OF PARTS IN CAP. KIT (BULLETIN # CAR354) Capacitor kit X-337-022-11 in the service bulletin car 354indicates that a parts kit contains all of the electrolytic capacitors forrepairing the problem. The capacitor kit came with only 1 capacitor.
SonyXRU770INSUFFICIENT QTY. OF PARTS IN CAP. KIT (BULLETIN # CAR354) Capacitor kit X-337-022-11 in the service bulletin car 354indicates that a parts kit contains all of the electrolytic capacitors forrepairing the problem. The capacitor kit came with only 1 capacitor.
SonyXRU700PART # ADDITION: IC551 (TYPE MM1175XF-T1, P/N 8-759-096-16) No part # listed for IC551 (interface IC).
SonyXRU500PART # ADDITION: IC551 (TYPE MM1175XF-T1, P/N 8-759-096-16) No part # listed for IC551 (interface IC).
SonyXR7280PH-11 AND PH-12 ARE BOTH IMCOMPATIBLE WITH REPLACEMENT PARTS The beveled corner on PH-11 and 12 is at pin 1 instead of thenormal pin 2. The real PCB layout is also different than in the servicemanual. I could not find replacements for PH-11 and 12. I have a sampleif you need it.
SonyXR43OMECHANICAL DECK-TO-MAIN BOARD EXTENSION CABLE REQUIRED. Unit will FF & REW but will not play a tape. Need sometype of cable from CN401 of main board to CN401 of EQ board on tape mech.Unit won't operate and can't look at bottom of unit while it's trying toturn. -HQ COMMENTS: We advised Tokyo of the need for
SonyMDXU1NO AUDIO FROM CD OR FM, AM O.K. (REPLACED Q520, Q512, D513) No audio from disc or FM, AM O.K.
SonyCDX900DISTORTED & VERY LOW SOUND FROM CD CHANGER (UNILINK-IN) If the CDX900 is hooked up to a CDXU500, Unilink audio isgood. If unit is hooked up to a CDX65, Unilink audio is distorted and lowvolume in CDX900. In the CDXU500 Unilink output floats to 1.0 vDC with noload while CDX65 floats to 4.7vdc with no load, u
SonyCDX65RFCOMPRESSION SPRING MISSING Mechanism jammed and discs are stuck inside. Found that thecompression spring (ref. 61) was not in the unit.
SonyCDX600DSPSTATIC/POPPING IN AUDIO (FOUND DSP IC301 DEFECTIVE) After unit is on, after a short period of time static can beheard or popping sound from speakers and line outputs. Unit only had themon rear channels L/R. By cooling off IC301, popping sound would stop, andheating up IC301 momentarilly would cause the

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