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SonySLV771HFWON'T ACCEPT A TAPE Won't accept any tape. Erasing protection lever was out ofposition toward right side.
SonySLV770HFTAPE IS NOT THREADED The tape is not threaded and the unit shuts down.
SonySLV750HFUNIT DEAD LCD DISPLAY-:- Unit dead, LCD display just showed -:-, no functions.
SonySLV701HFUNIT WILL NOT EJECT TAPE CORRECTLY. When you put the unit in the eject mode, the cassette did notcome out of the FL completely.
SonySLV696HFDRUM SPEED WRONG Picture was only horizontal lines, found drum running toofast, could only see picture in rev. search but even then there waschroma distortion.
SonySLV620HFBIG HOLE ON MAIN BOARD Big hole in M182 ic505 area. I've seen several caseswith same problem, it's not only 620HF also 720HF etc. -HQ COMMENTS:Please send in a video tape showing the problem if this isseen again.
SonySLV620GRAY SCREEN DURING PAUSE, RVS, FWD SEARCH Gray screen druing pause and seaarch modes, PB is good.
SonySLV585HFREWINDS WHEN TAPE IS INSERTED After the tape is loaded, the unit rewinds the tape for abouta minute and finally it threads the tape.
SonySLV555VCCASSETTE DOOR DOES NOT CLOSE PROPERLY Cassette door doesn't close preperly with a tape in the unit.
SonySLV420S/B #236 FOR SLV-420/720HF DOES NOT APPEAR IN FPRIS FPRIS S/B INDEX BY MODEL shows no service bulletins formodels SLV-420HF and SLV-720HF. Index should refer to service bulletin#236: Unit Locks-up in Eject Mode. -HQ COMMENTS: Thanks for the info, this will be added.
SonySLV420WILL NOT EJECT COMPLETELY Tape stuck it will not eject completely. When tape is in theunit in FF or REW mode, unit will eject the tape.
SonyEVS7000INTERMITTENT DROP-OUT OF TIME CODE. VIDEO OK Time code display would intermittently drop out during PB onMP120 tape. This time code had been recorded on the same machine, usingthe TIME CODE WRITE function. While the picture looked OK, the envelopeshowed entrance and exit side abnormalities. The pr
SonyEVS7000EATS TAPES IN JOG/SHUTTLE MODE. unit intermittently sticks injog/shuttle mode. Found defective rotary mode switch. SOLUTION: replace mode switch.
SonyEDV9500AUDIO POPS Audio pops in HiFi left channel on own recording only. Found loose ground screw on FEH connector board on head drum assambly. SOLUTION: Tighten the ground screw.
SonyEDV7500POOR COLOR RECORDING Bad color recording. The voltage at pin 14 or the chip wasonly .6v.

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