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SonyCDPC245NO OPEN/MECH NOISE - CD MECH STUCK AGAINST TABLE Unit open and makes mech. moise. After opening case foundCD mech stuck with table B.
SonyCDPC245NO OPEN - SET LEVER BROKEN Unit not opening the tray. Troubleshooting found gear is misaligned with tray table. After removal of table tray visual inspectionfound lever, set is broken.
SonyCDPC245DISK SKIPS INT. - REPL GEAR REF 66 Table would try to move and then would stop. found gearref# 66 had teeth bent or worn.
SonyCDPC245DOOR WOULDN'T CLOSE Door would not close all the way in and wouldn't play.Found main gear out of time. Also found post broken off chassis.
SonyXRU220UNILINK CONNECTOR WILL NOT ACCEPT UNILINK CABLE The unilink connector on the rear of the unit would not accepta unilink cable. This was a new unit, and the soldering on the connectorpins and lugs appeared to be original, indicating that this connector wasinstalled at the factory. -HQ COMMENTS: It a
SonyXR3200UNIT LOCKS UP IN VEHICLE ASD reported 3 cases where unit locks-up only in the vehicle,can't duplicate the problem on the bench. The symptom is: radio won'tturn on and tape won't play. When unit is removed from the vehicle andtested on the bench it works fine. Serial nos. are:
SonyXR150NO TUNER AUDIO FROM LEFT CHANNEL (REPLACED C151 ON MAIN MCB) No left channel audio from tuner.
SonyEXR18UNIT LOCKS UP IN VEHICLE ASD reported 3 cases where unit locks-up only in the vehicle,can't duplicate the problem on the bench. The symptom is: radio won'tturn on and tape won't play. When unit is removed from the vehicle andtested on the bench it works fine.Vehicle's are: Vol
SonyEXM302NO AUDIO OUT WHEN HIGH LEVEL INPUT IS USED Units either have no audio or intermittent audio when the highlevel inputs are used. Found the solder connections were broken and thetraces for the CN901 are lifted. It appears that more support may beneeded for the jack to prevent this. -HQ COMMENTS:
SonyCDXR77NO AUDIO, IC301, Q409, Q412 OPEN OR SHORTED Q409, Q412 had higher than normal temperature and opened.Intermittently IC301 shorted +5v to gnd.
SonyCDX65RESETS WHEN POWERED UP, WON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE Unit will reset when powering up but won't do anything else.Inspecting further, data line and clock line won't go high.Data line and clock line were shorted with each other. In closeinpection, found a copper strand from wire inside unilink connector CN8
SonyCDX65WON'T RESET WHEN POWERED UP (REPLACED SW902,Q903,D905,D906) Unit won't reset when powering the unit. If you load themagazine it will reset but won't do anything else. Inspected MD boardQ903 was overdissipated, found SW902 was shorted. -SOLUTION Replace SW902 1-692-864-11, Q903 8-729-808-01, D9058-719-105-99,
SonyCDX45RFREMOTE COMMANDER AMS BUTTON BROKEN Saw this before but thought was isolated. AMS button brokenfrom inside of remote. Found pins inside of upper case which guide AMSbutton were broken.
SonyCCDV11WON'T LOAD/REPLACE C421 Won't load, drum won't spin.

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