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SonyCCDTR91EE PIX WASHED OUT. CHARACTERS ROLL ON SCREEN/REPLACE DC-DC Picture washed out and characters roll in EE mode.
SonyCCDTR700INTERMITTENT NO ZOOM AND NO REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS Remote control would not operate camera and also zoom switchon camera will not work.
SonyCCDTR55DISTORTED VIDEO TEARING PICTURE ON PLAYBACK AFTER RECORD After recording, on playback picture is bending or tearingand video out level is low.
SonyCCDTR101INTERMITTENT DEAD/RESOLDER IC924 Camera section was dead, VTR section intermittent dead.
SonyCCDFX730VNO CAMERA VIDEO/RESOLDER CN751 No camera video. Proceeded to check for EE video by openingiris. Verified EE video ok which led to the discovery of no focus or zoommotor action. Concluded problem was the inactivity of lens motor control.While probling noticed CN751 not soldered prop
SonyCCDFX730RECORD SHUT DOWN WHEN TRANSMITTING FROM A POLICE CAR Units used in a Police car. When the communications radio iskeyed and the camcorder is in record mode, the camcorder will shut down.The power would have to be reset to restart the camcorder.
SonyCCDFX620UNIT WILL NOT POWER UP/RE-INSTALL Q504 Found Q504 missing from PCB, looked like poor soldering job.
SonyCCDFX520NO PLAYBACK AUDIO/REPLACE IC401, VA-80 BOARD No playback audio, EE audio ok. Verified PB rf going toIC401 and preceeded to check voltage measurements. All voltages checkedok with the exception of pin 15 of IC401, it measured 0v and schematiccalls for 2.1v.
SonyCCDFX410DRUM SPEEDS UP, PB SELF REC IN B/W / RESOLDER IC506 Intermittently this unit would speed up drum and would pbself recorded tapes in b/w.
SonyCCDFX410UNIT DOES NOT PLAY/RESOLDER IC506 Unit shuts off during operation intermittently. It does nothold date & time and lithium battery symbol flashes in viewfinder.Replacing battery did not solve the problem.
SonyCCDFX230WON'T EJECT TAPE/SHORT BETWEEN CN950 PINS 34 & 36 Won't eject tape -intermittent. Discover capstan motor doesnot rotate. Close investigation shows metal bridge between pins 34 and 36on connector CN950. It was videotaped and forwarded to tech department.
SonyCCDF70P/N FOR IC004 ON SS93 BOARD Manual calls for CX20114 (875920245) but unit has a CXA1109M(875203708). Do these parts sub? Have 2 units like this. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo informs us there is no service manual update forthis change.
SonyCCDF56NO VIDEO ON VCR/NO CHROMA ON CAMERA/REPLACE C317 (LEAKY) No VCR, muted playback, no chroma during camera E to E, norecord video.
SonyCCDF501INTERMITTENT LOCKUP, NO ERROR CODES/RESOLDER W505 Servicer had two units exhibiting intermittent lockupproblems, sometimes causing tape to eject, sometimes causing functionbuttons to be inoperative. After initial indication of loading motorproblem, no error codes were recorded. By substitution, servicer
SonyVG515COMPATABILITY WITH OTHER VGA CARDS/LOCK UP I recently acquired a diamond speed star pro vga card inorder to be able to run windows in hi resolution modes. Shortly afterthis acquisition, I started experiencing problems with intermitten lock upwhen attempting to do the (alt) set mode of VG515. T

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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