Dicas Reparação

Modelo - Chassis

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NO STATION SELECTION, REPLACED IC032 Stations wouldn't select and sound would turn up but wouldn'tgo down.
CHANGES CHANNEL BY ITS SELF, REPLACED INFRARED SENSOR Unit would change channels without manual or remote activa-tion. Customer indicated that remote functions would not coincide withremote hand unit when warm (this problem was intermittent).
RETRACE LINES, REPLACED CX556 Set would gradually change from normal to retrace lines.Video signal on output of CX556 changing level.
NO SOUND, REPLACED IC033 This customer has a lot of static from carpets in the home.A spark jumps from her finger each time she touched the channel selectionbuttons. This time it took out IC033. The last time IC2001 failedcausing no sound. On the IC033 Pin 10, ch. bias voltag
PICTURE DRIFT, REPLACED C516 Dealer expressed concern over the fact that although thevertical was normal and the vertical hold was OK, the position where thepicture locked in was not in the mechanical center of the control infact it was to one end of the control.
DARK PICTURE Raster very dark. Chroma information present but no Y signalat output of Y amplifier. I found DC level at Pin 14 of IC401 was veryhigh and no video here as viewed on scope. Disconnecting Pin 14 from PCboard restored the video signal at Pin 14, IC401.
NEON DOES NOT FUNCTION, SEE BELOW No function of neon bulb (NL15) on remote or manual commands.All other functions work. Found only 75VAC at junction of R018 and R017to ground.
WILL NOT STOP CHANNEL SEARCH, REPLACED C159 In the program mode, set would not stop searching when astation was tuned in. M-15 on the M board had the required horizontalpulse. M-9 on the M board had the sync pulse. The positive and negativeAFT voltages on Pins 1 and 2 of M-8 appear to be normal
WEAK PICTURE, REPLACED LEAKY C208 Set had weak video with sync problem.
NO TUNING, REPLACED IC033, CX804 After pressing channel button J none of remaining channelscan be manually selected until remote selection is used, at least once.
PICTURE BLANKING, REPAIRED CRACKED FOIL This unit would rhythmically go from good picture to excessbrightness with retrace lines then to black screen. This would happen atabout a 7 second interval. This would happen continually as long as setwas turned on. The collector voltage on Q704, 705
CHANNEL SEARCH DOESN'T STOP,REPLACED PARTS BELOW All indications were that set would tune properly but wouldovershoot each channel. Result was unstable sync and in general poorpicture quality. Pin 10, IC201 (CX555) AFT was reading approx. 9V vs2.5V. At Pin 2, IC033 (CX804) was reading approx. 10V.
NO REMOTE FUNCTION, REPLACED IC001 Remote does not work, manual OK.
NO CONTROL OF BRIGHTNESS No control of brightness, excessive brightness even withscreens and drives down, voltages OK in ABL drive circuits. Also incolor.
INCORRECT BRIGHTNESS OPERATION WITH RETRACE LINES Excessive brightness and retrace tube cathode voltages low,10V.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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