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Modelo - Chassis

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ROUGH SPOT ON FR LIMITER In Fwd or Rew, when unit gets to end of tape, R1008 will gethot and twice R1008 opened for customer. Found flywheel to be almoststopping drawing around 180mA.
LOCK PLATE BINDING Eject, F/F and Rewind defective, while Stop, Fwd, Record andPause work normally.
DEFECTIVE D306 Unit came into FSC with complaint of no record or playback,erase OK both channels bad. Power supply check showed correct B+ voltagesfor amplifier circuits. Muting transistors Q103, 203 were not turningoff. Q303 (muting driver) Q103, Q203 all OK. Foun
REPLACEMENT TRANS DON'T WORK Q101 and Q102 (Q201 and Q202) are both 2SC900E transistors.These were ordered and 2SC1362 were shipped as subs. They do not worknone of the subs listed work. In the parts list of the manual a 2SC1362(8-729-665-45) is listed. -HQ COMMENTS: The beta ran
INCORRECT P/N Listed motor on page 24 of Instruction Manual shows incorrectpart number.
CRACK IN PCB Several units had no indication of record LED in record mode.This is not due to defective record LED. The problem is caused by a breakin plating, on the record LED circuit board.
SAME P/N FOR DIFFERENT NUMBERS The P/N for the record button is the same as REW/FF/PLAY. Itshould have a diferent number, as the original has a red mark on thebutton and the PLAY/FF/REW do not. -HQ COMMENTS: This information can be found in the July 1979 TechnicalDigest on Page 4.
DEFECTIVE COMPONENTS ON POWER SUPPLY BOARD Complaint was intermittent noise in left channel. Speakerrelay would not stay on. Found L-ch waveform at TP1 at B-level, R-chwaveform erratic.
BROKEN PCB TRACES R-ch won't work.
MISSING CONNECTION DC balance circuit in class A amp board does not function.Due to missing plating in ground line circuit. This in turn supplies DCvoltage on 0 volt line which in turn causes VFET failure. Also I feelthat if the value of RT701 22 kohm DC bias adjustment
THERMAL FUSE IN TRANSFORMER Primary of T503 was found defective. Upon removal andinspection, a thermal fuse was found in series with Pin 1. There was nosign of heat anywhere in the PPS. Jumping the fuse restored operation -a new transformer was ordered.
DEFECTIVE D363 Unit came into FSC with burned R360 and leaky Q352. Staticcheck of other components showed no gross shorts or opens.
TRANSISTORS SHORTING TO HEAT SINK After the output transistors have been replaced, and unit hasplayed, the outputs will go out again.
DC BALANCE DC balance on the speaker outputs is determined by matchingof Q302 and Q303.
REPLACEMENT TRANSISTORS ARE IMPROVED Customer complained of noise with volume control at midposition, standard input levels.

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