Dicas Reparação Grundig

Pesquisa: Grundig

Resultados 797

Grundig3500 ChassisNo tuning , check pins 13 , 15 of tuner/IF for tuninIf stuck at 30v replace SDA3202 and SDA2516
Grundig1510GBIntermittent or no colour.R587.
Grundig1510GBDead.C863 leaky.
Grundig1510BSound - intermittent or no sound.Poor joints on speaker wires.
Grundig1004 seriesExcess Greensm cap C904 1n between base and emitter of the o/p tr
Grundig1003 seriesField collapseHT feed R200 a 4R7, no apparent reason for it's failure.
Grundig1002 seriesNo colourripple on Pin 39 of IC800 the Y/C chip. Resoldering the components in this area cured the fault even though nothing looked dry jointed.
Grundig1001 seriesNo greenBC847 near to the Y/C proc IC
Grundig1000 seriesNo power upTR540 BC847 in micro reset circuitry.
Grundig8787deadRU05 & RU15 resistors sprung open & fuse VU09 o/c no other ff
Grundig8636Bright line in centre over picture.C468 ( 15u f , 25v )
Grundig8610Hum bar effect at centre & width reduced.+D ( 36v ) supply reservior cap.
Grundig8240Lack of blue.R1958 o/c.
Grundig7890Loss of 45v rail IC430 TDA8350Q
Grundig7400No picture.D2751 on deflection module.

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