Dicas Reparação Grundig

Pesquisa: Grundig

Resultados 797

GrundigCUC220Frame collapse.R2779 ( 18k ) o/c remove to check.
GrundigCUC220Excess col & brightness when heatedOK when Txt pcb dis'd - left it this way
GrundigCUC220Display - intermittent incorrect channel dispIC663 ( 5v reg )
GrundigCUC220Dead - intermittent.R646 ( 270k ) on PSU.
GrundigCUC2131No powerR60502 (3M Ohm 2watt) open circuit
GrundigCUC2080turns on but goes to SB after a secondTDA8350Q + R54012 1Ohm +R50011 33ohm.
GrundigCUC2080No powerIRFPC50 s/c and 270K (connected to pin 2 of TDA5605-3
GrundigCUC2059Dead - chopper tr T60006 blown
GrundigCUC2058St/by onlyTripler - cheaper from CPC
GrundigCUC2058No sound/pic - could be into/c print under small vert panel with 10 pins behind tuner
GrundigCUC2058No sound Both audio o/p IC`s TDA7265 & 2.5A wickman fuse o/c
GrundigCUC2058Dead with blackened fusep. supply FET IRFPC50 was s/c due to 270k res in psu o/c, also replaced TDA4605-3 as a precaution
GrundigCUC2058DeadTDA4605, 270k 1/2w res & chopper FET IRFPC50 (used 2SK2078 in lieu) - all in PSU
GrundigCUC2040TrippingLOPTx (29221-029.52A) s/c, Seme HR6574 15.42 UKP.
GrundigCUC2032DeadBUZ90 SMPS T60006 s/c & fuse SI60001 1.6S o/c - caused by R60001 270k & R60007 120k hi res also TDA4605-3

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