Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

Pesquisa: PHILIPS

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PhilipsL6.2Line transitor T7906 on deflection module (repeated) defective.Before replacement of T7906 (4822 130 10864) also check L5420 for damage or interruption (take care there is R3424, 47E parallel). Codenumber L5420, 4822 157 50965. Check if D6108 is BZX79-C7V5, otherwise replace it by that value, codenr. 4822 130 30861.
PhilipsL6.2Lack of width/ E/W dist after fitting repair kitTR7908 STP4NA40F1 s/c between gate and source junctions
PhilipsL6.2Int various - pic size, no sound & offR3509 47k in psu o/c
PhilipsL6.2Int narrow raster with squealBC338-40 in 5/9v supply
PhilipsL6.2Int functs & tuning loss5v supply to micro low; 7505 BC548B leaky
PhilipsL6.2Hum, or sound varying depending from picture contentsIn sets with a modified antiplop circuit, a capacitor 47uf is mounted between pin 1,7 and 6 IC7205. In that case check if R3206 (4k7) and R3217 (22k) have the correct values and not reverse.
PhilipsL6.2How to activate/de-activate "Hotel mode"Only mono sets of L6.2 chassis have hotel mode possibility! To activate this mode do the following: - select channel 38 - push vol- and vol + on the TV set AND OSD on the remote control simultaneously. - you now enter the hotel mode. To leave the hote
PhilipsL6.2Hotel modeHotel mode ---------- Only mono sets of L6.2 chassis have hotel mode possibility! To activate this mode do the following: - select channel 38 - push vol- and vol + on the TV set AND OSD on the remote control simultaneously. - you now enter the hotel mo
PhilipsL6.2Destruction of T7906 and Coil L5420.Replace T7906 (=4822 130 10864) and Coil L5420 (=4822 157 50965) also replace D6108 from 6V8 to 7V5 (=4822 130 30861). REMARKS : In case of repetitive failure check/replace line transformer 5422 (4822 140 10623) - test insulation between primary and s
PhilipsL6.2Dead with faint whistle - no LEDTr7505 BC337-40
PhilipsL6.2Dead with faint whistle - LED litF1502 63mA in PSU sec o/c
PhilipsL6.2Dead apart from buzz from psuF1502 o/c, D6503 BYD33D s/c, no line drive now, opto IC7420 u/s
PhilipsL6.2Dead - off with bangFit PSU kit ES7062 , opto 7420 & L5420 - check for dry joints on R3513 330k
PhilipsL6.2Dead - LOPtr Tr7906 runs hot & fails (piv OK)L5420 in line drive cct o/c
PhilipsL6.2Correction to styling 182 of Product Survey 1997-4 (4822 727 21584)The code number mentioned at position 10 of styling 182 is of the 3-fold control frame (4822 464 10326). The code number for the 4-fold control frame is 3111 254 24531.

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Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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