Dicas Reparação SAMSUNG

Pesquisa: SAMSUNG

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SamsungCI3312ZOversized picture - set arcing over.125v at D821 high R807 ( 11k ) gone high.
SamsungCI3312ZNo sound except thro' SCARTIC601 CD4066BCN sw chip faulty
SamsungCI3312ZNo soundR709 27k which feeds ident signal to pin 29 of micro RIC01 o/c
SamsungCI3312ZNo signalsNo 33v at collector of RQ04 - RR05 10k ¼w o/c
SamsungCI3312ZNo search tuning - tuning rail stuck at 30vRQ01 dry
SamsungCI3312ZNo search tune - tuning volts stuck at 29.5vDry joint RQ01
SamsungCI3312ZLack of heightR302 470k hi res
SamsungCI3312ZHigh HT blows resistors in LOP stageR807 11k had increased to give 157v HT instead of 125v at D821
SamsungCI3312ZDeadR801 5R6 o/c, Q801 BU508A s/c, C816 split & check C811, 808, 817, 813 & check for dry joint on P802
SamsungCI3312ZDeadCheck for dry joints R823 in 12v reg feed & R411 across pri line driver trfmr
SamsungCI3312ZColour int lostX501 8.8Mhx Xtal - to set up short pins 1 & 6, 21 & 22 of IC501 & adj CV01 for floating pic
SamsungCI3312ZArcs then goes dead . R412 overheats , KA2131 sc .Remove frame IC and check HT , if high ( should be approx 110v/120v ) R807 11k high in Psu
SamsungCI3312ZArcing then deadHT low at 70v - R412 overheating, FOP chip KA2131 leaky, HT now high at 180v - R807 11k hi res
SamsungCI3312 P58SLack of hieghtR302 ( 470K ) if ic ok

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