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SonyRM759REMOTE CONTROL UNIT FOR KV8AD10 RM759 is made for KV8AD10. When used with 89XBRs(IC KV32XBR10), functions (Power, Vol., Display), will work. Channelup and down will not work. (Info requested by Dom S.) -HQ COMMENTS: Thank you very much for your information. We will issueService
SonyKV32XBR10NO PICTURE, REPLACED C-515, D-505, AND R-515 No picture - Found C515 leaky which caused D505 to shortand open R519.C515 = .0047 @ 2KV = 1-162-114-00D505 = ES1F = 8-719-300-65R515 = 212K = 1-215-871-91
SonyCDPC70DRAWER INTERMITTENTLY CLOSES AT COMPLETION OF OPEN ACTION. Intermittently the drawer will close as soon as it reachesits open-most position. Holding the drawer from opening all the waydoes not cause it to close. (This is normal).
SonyCDPC7ESDDRAWER INTERMITTENTLY CLOSES AT COMPLETION OF OPEN ACTION. Intermittently the drawer will close as soon as it reachesits open-most position. Holding the drawer from opening all the waydoes not cause it to close. (This is normal).
SonyWMF109PART NUMBERS REVERSED The part numbers for the WMF 100II and III are reversedfrom the parts in the WMF109. See ref #74 and 97. Which is correct? -HQ COMMENTS: WMF109 Service Manual has the error. Ref 74Part No 3-329-737-01 is labeled as the left guide. It is actually the
SonyCCDF45UNIT SHUTS DOWN, NO EJECT OR PLAY Unit would not eject or play or record. Would start thenwould go into shut down with eject indicator flashing. Found 5 voltswere missing to the (CC-26) Board which in turn feeds (FP-89) Board and(FP-90) Board which are the take-up and supply reel sensor
SonySL2000CHANGES SPEED FROM BII TO BIII AND VICE VERSA With self-recorded tapes speed changes during normalplayback. If unit is on PAUSE, then released, capstan speeds upand accumulates tape then shuts down. Works fine with pre-recorded tapes. -SOLUTIONS: Any suggestions? -HQ COMMENTS: With a unit this
SonyMDP510NO DISPLAY AND SLED MECHANICAL NOISE When disc is inserted, sled moves into limit switch, butthe sled drive motor does not stop. Also no fluorescent display.
SonyCMAD5VERTICAL ROLL Vertical roll - 2 units.
SonyEDV7500SHUTS DOWN AFTER TAPE SPEEDS UP (PLAY MODE) Unit will load tapes, thread, but when you hit play thecapstan will speed up. The unit shuts down due to accumulation of tape.Replaced suspected capstan motor did not solve problem. FG is presentat FG AMP IC-007.
SonyCPD1303MISSING PART NUMBER ON SERVICE MANUAL The mounting screws for the 9 pin (d type) connector arespecified as part number 768564679. This is the correct mountingscrew for the AC Connector but not for the 9 pin connector. The screwneeded is shown on page 45 of the service manual. It is the sc
SonyCDXR79LOOSE MD MOUNTING SCREW Screw comes loose. Sometimes it drops out of the hole andcan cause shorting on main board (same problem on CDX-R77). Suggestchecking screws when servicing, and apply niji lock to secure screws. -HQ COMMENTS: We will inform Tokyo of this problem. In t
SonyCDXR77LOOSE MD MOUNTING SCREW Screw comes loose. Sometimes it drops out of the hole andcan cause shorting on main board (same problem on CDX-R79). Suggestchecking screws when servicing, and apply Neji lock to secure screws. -HQ COMMENTS: We have also seen where the screw comes out
SonyXR7300PART NUMBER PROBLEM Q-616 On the schematic Q-616 is a DTC143T, which I show 8-729-900-74as part number in sub book. In the back of the service manual parts list(page 47) it lists Q-616 as a 2SC634SP (8-729-600-27) which subs to a2SC2785-HFE (8-729-119-78).

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