Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: Sony

Resultados 18974

SonyCCDF70EXCESSIVE NOISE ON EDGES OF OBJECTS Noise on trailing edges of objects.
SonyCCDV110UNIT SHUTS DOWN TRANSPORT Transport would stop after a few seconds, also no reelcounter. Found no reel LED drive to sensors. Found C-302 shorted.
SonyACV30MISSING PART NUMBER (F-201) Blown battery fuse F-201 as shown in supplement No. 3. Partnumber for fuse is not listed anywhere for 2 amp link. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number for F-201 is 1-576-050-11.
SonyTCFX33AMS ADJUSTMENT Please reference page 52 of the manual and look at No. 401. Iwould like to know if there is any information regarding the adjustment ofthis plate. -HQ COMMENTS: This is not an adjustable plate. The pins on the plateare used to lock the head plate in p
SonySPPS10BATTERY CELLS SEPARATE During charge, the battery cell casings separate, emittingsmoke and blowing the battery cover off. SSC reports three batteriesreplaced due to this. -HQ COMMENTS: I have gotten a couple of batteries from SSCs that were inthis condition. I suspect that
SonyCCDV11CCD-V11 INTERMITTENT FAILURE IN CAM MODE Itermittent or no camera power.
SonySLV555UCUNIT STOPS AFTER 5 TO 10 SECONDS Stop playing tape after 5 - 10 seconds.
SonyCCDF30NO/INTERMITTENT COLOR Unit displayed no color or sometimes intermittent. Bin H. inSan Diego traced problem to L-550. Audio five volts comes into the boardthrough L-550 and feeds IC-550. No 5 volts on IC-550.
SonySLV555UCDOES NOT PLAY OR REWIND Will not play or rewind. Also pertains to serial number807543.
SonySCD1020PART NUMBER INCORRECT / NOT REGISTERED This part number does not come up in KCP system. Is this avalid part number? -HQ COMMENTS: To Tokyo: Is this a correct part number? KCP says thatit is not registered in RPC. If the part number is correct, pleaseregister. If not, please supply the c
SonyD4PART NUMBER FOR CARRYING CASE The part number listed in the service manual is for the D-4,not D-T4. The one for the D-T4 has a clear window in the top so the tunerscale can be seen. It also has a cut-out for the tuning knob. What isthe correct part number? -HQ COMMENTS: To Tokyo:
SonySPPS10ACOUSTICAL FEEDBACK IN HANDSET WHEN IN INTERCOM MODE In intercom mode, acoustical feedback occurs. Handsetposition relative to the base unit has no effect on the feedback. Handsetitself is the cause.
SonyICF7601NOISE THRU SPEAKER WHEN SET IS OFF Clicking noise is heard through the speaker when set is off.
SonyKV32XBR15GREEN CHILD PICTURE Green child picture
SonySRSB3TVSERVICE MANUAL No service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: SRS-B3TV is super woofer unit which goes with the TVstand, and is described in SU-235x/335x service manual.

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