Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: Sony

Resultados 18974

SonySPP50BATTERY CELLS SEPARATE During charge, the battery cell casings separate, emittingsmoke and blowing the battery cover off. SSC reports three batteriesreplaced due to this. -HQ COMMENTS: I have gotten a couple of batteries from SSCs that were inthis condition. I suspect that
SonyWMA57WRONG PART NUMBER - REFERENCE NO. 7 Order part Reference No. 7, get Reference No. 11(3-351-139-01) (Joint (B)). -HQ COMMENTS: We have checked with Kansas City Parts, and they haveconfirmed that their stock is correct. Please re-order if needed.
SonyCDPC20DRAWER CLOSES BUT BU BRACKET DOES NOT COME UP When drawer is closed, BU bracket does not close downswitch. This caused bracket not to be moved to up position.
SonyRMP202RM-P202 INFORMATION We need owners manual and part number for RM-P202. -HQ COMMENTS: The RM-P202 is the remote control for the S-7900/9900 CD5rack systems. Please refer to the service manual for the TA-AX391 or theowners manual for these systems.
SonyCCDF50PART NUMBER FOR FLEX CABLE Need part number for flex cable between VC-62, VC-63 andW-701. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is 1-559-927-11.
SonyMVCC1CUSTOMER NEEDS RF MODULATOR Which RF modulator is the correct one for the MVC-C1?Customer also has only 300 Ohm input. -HQ COMMENTS: The RF-89 Ucka is the correct RF modulator but any of ourcurrent RF modulators for the handycams will work. There is a 300-75 Ohmadaptor in the RFU
SonySTRGX10ESHUM Should service bulletin number HFP0064 apply to STR-GX10ES aswell? The service bulletin is only written for the STR-GX9ES. -HQ COMMENTS: If the symptom and cause is the same on the STR-GX10ES,you can use the same shield board. We had no reports of thi
SonyITA850PART NUMBER CORRECTION - MAIN PCB The part numbers for Reference 902, Main PCB, for IT-A750/850are reversed on page 43 of the service manual. The part numbers arelisted correctly on page 41, which is the exploded view. -HQ COMMENTS: There are three versions of the service manual -11, -
SonyITA750PART NUMBER CORRECTION - MAIN PCB The part numbers for Reference 902, Main PCB, for IT-A750/850are reversed on page 43 of the service manual. The part numbers arelisted correctly on page 41, which is the exploded view. -HQ COMMENTS: There are three versions of the service manual -11, -
SonyCPD1320DEAD UNIT No picture.
SonyITM500BOARD SCHEMATIC DOES NOT MATCH UNIT Board schematic does not match unit. -HQ COMMENTS: To Tokyo: Please advise if you have an updated boardschematic. 2/16/90: We received 3 copies of the updated PCB schematic from Tokyo.
SonyCDPC70IT WILL NOT PLAY THE FIRST TRACK OF EAGLES CD It will not play No. 1 track of the Eagles Hotel CaliforniaAsylum 103-2 (253051) Warner Bros. -HQ COMMENTS: Thank you for this information. We are still compilingthe list of bad discs. If you find anymore, let us know.
SonySLHF900NEW SUBCHASSIS DOES NOT FIT The new sub-chassis from stock does not fit. The holes on therotor and stator assembly do not link up. -HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to service bulletin VCR390R.
SonyKV27XB10AUDIO CONTROL DOES NOT WORK Cannot control volume or mute the sound. The display showsvolume changing but speaker level does not change. Also changing thechannel may cause the sound to disappear entirely.
SonyKV32XBR10AUDIO CONTROL DOES NOT WORK, REPLACED IC-251 ("X" BOARD) Cannot control volume or mute the sound. The display showsvolume changing but speaker level does not change. Also changing thechannel may cause the sound to disappear entirely.

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