Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: Sony

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SonyTAE1000ESDCANNOT MONITOR WHILE EFFECT RECORDING ON TA-E1000ESD If effect recording using Tape 2 output and monitoring thesource, an oscillation is heard. This only happens when effect recordingrecording non-processed signal works fine. -HQ COMMENTS: This is normal operation for this unit. It is designedthe same a
SonyMPKV11V99 DOES NOT GO IN STRAIGHT Customer claims that the CCDV99 fits in the MPKV11/1, but doesnot line up perfectly with the wide angle lens in the MPK unit that ismounted to the camera holder. -HQ COMMENTS: We believe that the customer is using the mounting for theCCD-V11 not the CCD
SonyKV32CX10JAGGED VERTICAL LINES, RESOLDER C-685 "G" BOARD Vertical lines in the picture were jagged.
SonyCCDF50NO FUNCTION Report that two units had no function.
SonySLV70HFDOES SYNCHRO EDIT ALSO ACT AS AN EDIT SWITCH? Does the synchro edit button, in addition to providing thesynchro edit, also function as an edit switch and flatten out the videofrequency response? -HQ COMMENTS: No, it does not act as an edit switch.
SonyPSLX295DUST COVER FOR PSLX295 There is no part number for a dust cover for this model.Since it is part of a system, no dust cover provided.
SonyCCDV11CASSETTE EJECTS, BUT NEW CASSETTE CANNOT BE INSERTED The cassette will eject properly, however, the loading motordoes not reverse the small amount needed to put the mechanism back in theloading/unloading mode after eject. Found cassette lock switch permanent-ly closed. After replacement, the same problem
SonySLV555UCICS ON THE POWER BLOCK Currently IC-201, IC-202, IC-203 and IC-204 of the powerblock are unavailable from KCP. Also, part numbers have not beenassigned to them. -HQ COMMENTS: The part numbers of the ICs are asfollows:IC201 - 180879611IC202 - 180879511IC203 - 180802211IC204 -
SonySLV353UCICS ON THE POWER BLOCK Currently IC-201, IC-202, IC-203 and IC-204 of the powerblock are unavailable from KCP. Also, part numbers have not beenassigned to them. -HQ COMMENTS: The part numbers of the ICs are:IC201 - 180879611IC202 - 180879511IC203 - 180802211IC204 - 874992043
SonySLV757UCHEAD GAP SIZE What is the head gap size of the SLV-757?
SonySLV353UCHEAD GAP SIZE What is the head gap size of the SLV-353?
SonyCDXA30SKIPPING IN COLD WEATHER. A dealer reported that he has two complaints of these unitsskipping when the temperature is under 25 degrees. Units OK after carand unit operates for a while, or temperature warms up. Have you heardof this? -HQ COMMENTS: The cold weather skipping is d
SonyCCDF35PLASTIC MOLD ON CHASSIS BROKEN. A molded piece of plastic that goes into the cassette to holdit firmly was broken. The machine worked o.k., except for rewind tapewould get chewed on top. Reason is, this plastic was broken, and thetape is not held firmly to the chassis.
SonyMDP510CROSSTALKS APPEARS WITH LD, CD SPINS BUT SHUTS OFF When I play LD disk, cross talks appears. When I play CDdisk, it spins two or three times, but it shuts off. RF signal distorted.
SonyCDPC50MOTOR ASSEMBLY SPINDLE The spindle motor is mounted in reverse polarity.

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