Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: Sony

Resultados 18974

SonyKV1997RCB INTERFERENCE CB interference heard from the speaker, even when the set isoff. -HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to service bulletin No. CTV288R.
SonyKV1926RCB INTERFERENCE, SEE SB CTV288R CB interference heard from the speaker, even when the set isoff. -HQ COMMENTS: Please refer to service bulletin No. CTV288R.
SonyCDPC9ESDNO PART NUMBER - CLIPS FOR PLASTIC BUSHINGS FOR WORM GEARS There is no part number listed in the service manual for theclips which hold the plastic pieces which ride on the worm gears of theelevator assembly. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number for the clips is 4-926-216-00.
SonyCDPC900NO PART NUMBER - CLIPS FOR PLASTIC BUSHINGS FOR WORM GEARS There is no part number listed in the service manual for theclips which hold the plastic pieces which ride on the worm gears of theelevator assembly -HQ COMMENTS: The part number for the clips is 4-926-216-00.
SonySPP60PART NUMBER INCORRECT - TOP CABINET, BASE UNIT The part number for the Top Cabinet for the base unit iseither incorrect, or has not been registered in RPC. -HQ COMMENTS: To Tokyo: Is the part number listed correct for the TopCabinet? If not, please inform us of the correct part number. If thepart
SonySTRAV850NO DISPLAY IN LOWER LEFT CORNER OF DISPLAY The volume indicator, balance indicator, tremble and bassindicator would not light. However, the subsonic indicator and spectrumdisplays worked.
SonyKV20TS30RABBIT ANTENNA, 1-501-372-41 SEE FLASH 43 Rabbit antenna is not listed in the service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: Rabbit antenna is not supplied as accessory for this setit can be ordered separately by Part Number 1-501-372-41Please refer to FLASH # 43 for recommend antennas for various T.V..
SonyCPD1302HI V SHUT DOWN WHEN COMPUTER TURNED ON. Unit would shut down whenever computer connected to it wasturned on. Worked O.K. after powering monitor down and up again.
SonyDT3INTERMITTENTLY SKIPS OR SHUTS OFF ONLY BP-3 BATT. OPERATION This unit works properly by AC930 but it skips or shuts offintermittently using BP-3. B+ (4.6V) is unstable.
SonyCCDF4041 PIN FLEX CONNECTOR PART NUMBER Need part number for the 41 pin flexible cable between the(SS-86) board and the (VA-40) board. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is 1-626-229-11.
SonyKV27XBR15SAFETY RELATED ADJUSTMENT, REFER TO TVP SB # 62R2 Per the attached (Safety Related Adjustment) page from theservice manual, we are required to use a regulated power supply adjustablebetween at least, 140 to 145 VDC. Such a supply is not on the SSC re-quired test equipment list nor have I ever encounter
SonyCCDF70NO AF, ZOOM OR TITLE FUNCTION Unit had no autofocus, no zoom operation, no title functionand there was a flashing of light in the EVF even when unit was turnedoff. IC-200 on (SS-93) board had no clock.
SonyCDP670PAUSE MODE WITH 9 OR MORE PROGRAMMED SELECTIONS When 9 or more selections are programmed, and drawer is openedand closed before pushing play, unit goes into pause after playing lastselection. With 8 or less selections, or with 9 or more without openingand closing drawer before pushing play, unit goes
SonyCDXR77MAIN BOARD LAYOUT FOR IC-103 IS SHOWN TURNED 90 DEGREES The board layout for IC-103 on the main board is shown turned90 degrees. It is very easy looking at the board layout to replace thewrong IC. -HQ COMMENTS: The silk screening on the board for IC-301 is off by 90degrees. Tokyo will correct production fo
SonyNTM1FREQUENCY SETTINGS ON NTM-1 How many receiver frequency settings are there in NusseryMonitor NTM-1? What is the frequency? -HQ COMMENTS: There are two frequency settings for the NTM-1.Switch - A: 49.845 MhzSwitch - B: 49.875 Mhz

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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