Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonyCDPC7ESDBROKEN PULLEY CHUCKING I have found the Pulley Chucking broken in several units. Ihave replaced the Pulley Chucking and on a few units they have come backin a few weeks with the same problem. I found by melting and spreadingout center of the Pulley Chucking so it overlaps th
SonyCDPC70BROKEN PULLEY CHUCKING I have found the Pulley Chucking broken in several units. Ihave replaced the Pulley Chucking and on a few units they have come backin a few weeks with the same problem. I found by melting and spreadingout center of the Pulley Chucking so it overlaps th
SonyCDPC50BROKEN PULLEY CHUCKING I have found the Pulley Chucking broken in several units. Ihave replaced the Pulley Chucking and on a few units they have come backin a few weeks with the same problem. I found by melting and spreadingout center of the Pulley Chucking so it overlaps th
SonyCDPC40BROKEN PULLEY CHUCKING I have found the Pulley Chucking broken in several units. Ihave replaced the Pulley Chucking and on a few units they have come backin a few weeks with the same problem. I found by melting and spreadingout center of the Pulley Chucking so it overlaps th
SonyCDPC30BROKEN PULLEY CHUCKING I have found the Pulley Chucking broken in several units. Ihave replaced the Pulley Chucking and on a few units they have come backin a few weeks with the same problem. I found by melting and spreadingout center of the Pulley Chucking so it overlaps th
SonyCDPC26BROKEN PULLEY CHUCKING I have found the Pulley Chucking broken in several units. Ihave replaced the Pulley Chucking and on a few units they have come backin a few weeks with the same problem. I found by melting and spreadingout center of the Pulley Chucking so it overlaps th
SonyCDPC20BROKEN PULLEY CHUCKING I have found the Pulley Chucking broken in several units. Ihave replaced the Pulley Chucking and on a few units they have come backin a few weeks with the same problem. I found by melting and spreadingout center of the Pulley Chucking so it overlaps th
SonySPP50SPP-50 SERIAL NUMBER SAME; CHANNELS DIFFERENT Serial numbers on handset and base same but base unit usedchannel NO. 10, while handset used channel NO. 4.
SonyCDPC500INCORRECT PART NUMBER The part number in the service manual on page 20 shows thestep screw with the part number 7-685-666-79. This part number comes upas a standard thread black screw. The correct part number is needed. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo has supplied the correct part num
SonyCDPC400INCORRECT PART NUMBER The part number in the service manual on page 20 shows thestep screw with the part number 7-685-666-79. This part number comes upas a standard thread black screw. The correct part number is needed. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo has supplied the correct part num
SonyCDPC30INCORRECT PART NUMBER The part number in the service manual on page 19 shows thestep screw with the part number 7-685-666-79. This part number comes upas a standard thread black screw. The correct part number is needed. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo has supplied the correct part num
SonyCDPC26INCORRECT PART NUMBER The part number in the service manual on page 19 shows thestep screw with the part number 7-685-666-79. This part number comes upas a standard thread black screw. The correct part number is needed. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo has supplied the correct part num
SonyCDPC20INCORRECT PART NUMBER The part number in the service manual on page 19 shows thestep screw with the part number 7-685-666-79. This part number comes upas a standard thread black screw. The correct part number is needed. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo has supplied the correct part num
SonySLHF860DTRACKING CONTROL HAS NO EFFECT Fifty percent duty cycle pulse at pin 2 of IC-404. Signalshould be varying pulse. 2V square wave set by the tracking controlbuttons. This signal is then sent to pin 3 of IC-001 (drum/capstan servochip). disconnected pin 2 IC-404. Signal then shows n
SonySLV50LP-4 KIT INSTALLATION CAUSES IRREGULAR CAPSTAN OPERATION Capstan would intermittently not turn in loading-FF-REW modesand act sluggish also a constant audio warble in normal audio. Thisproblem appeared after installing LP-4 kit with update IC-501 on (MA-27)board.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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