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SonyKV32XBR70Q-604 NOT SHOWN IN S/M Q-604 transistor is in the set but is not shown in theschematic/part list. It is shown only on service manual F PC boardlayout. -HQ COMMENTS: Q-604 with associated components is missing from abovemanual as follows: Q-604, R-610, R-616, C-613, R-617. I
SonyKV27HSR10Q-604 NOT IN S/M, SEE SB TVP0066 Q-604 transistor is in the set but is not shown in theschematic/part list. It is shown only on service manual F PC boardlayout. -HQ COMMENTS: Service bulletin on this has been issued see TVP0066.
SonyD11NO POWER - NO OPERATION Unit is dead, no power up. Base and emitter low (3.9V and4.3V) on Q-451.
SonyCCDV8NO CAMERA POWER No camera power on VTR. Power on and function ok. FoundQ-602 on all the time. Replaced Q-602 that does not help. Found S-753has some resistance.
SonyCCDF50WILL NOT EJECT Unit will start to eject. The capstan motor runs very fastfor a split second then unit shuts down. A problem with FG hall devicecaused IC-006 (FG pre amp) to have no output. Pin 16 IC-006 measured 2.55volts instead of 2.6 volts.
SonySLHF870DWRONG PART NUMBER The part number for the inter door on this model is wrong.The part number should be 3-718-541-11 as listed in the manual for theSL-HF780D. -HQ COMMENTS: Thank you for the information.
SonyKV27XBR15VERTICAL LINES IN PICTURE, CHECK REF ADJ ALSO R-517 Three to four retrace lines are visible at the top of thescreen. They do not look like ordinary retrace lines but are of solidred, blue or green colors.
SonyWMF45NO TAPE OPERATION OR INCORRECT TAPE SPEED Lower left hand corner of board breaks under S-302 and R-403.Two previous units with the same problem. Also applies to serial number405974.
SonyKV27TX40CLOCK RESETS INTERMITTENTLY, AC LINE FAILURE? Servicer reports that clock will reset intermittently, noother memory is affected. Seems to happen when set is off. Servicerreplaced IC and diode/transistor attached on the Not AC pin of IC-101with no effect. Servicer noticed he can force symptom to o
SonyKV27SXR10CLOCK LOSES MEMORY, AC LINE FAILURE RELATED Intermittently, clock will zero out time will reset to :00.Also occured on serial number 7271746. The sample at servicer's will soonbe ready for examination by Zone or Technical Department. -HQ COMMENTS: Pin 27/IC-101 is reset pin also for clock operat
SonyKV32HSR10MOTOR BOATING THROUGH SPEAKERS, T-501 COLD SOLDER Set would run for a time then it would shut off with motorboating through speakers.
SonyWMF73UNSTABLE SPEED/WOW AND FLUTTER Cassette deck will play at one speed in forward and another inreverse. Also noted excessive wow and flutter and speed will slowlydecrease then settle at one speed. Replacing pinch roller will help insome cases but suspect that capstan bearings (bushing
SonyCCDF77INCORRECT ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE FOR HALL ADJUSTMENT The alignment procedure for the Hall Adjustment (ServiceManual Supplement-1 page 29 step 3-3-6) does not work as indicated. -HQ COMMENTS: The correct procedure is as follows (ignore the procedurein the service manual): 1: SELECT ADJUST PAGE F ON THE REM
SonyXE90MK2IC-101 AND PC BOARD COMPATIBILITY PROBLEM The service manual parts list description matches thecomponent part number mounted on PC board but the service manual PC boardlayout shows a 9-pin in-line package for ICs IC-101 and IC-102. Theunit being repaired has 8-pin in-line ICs mounted on the PC
SonyKV1980RSNOWY PICTURE, REPLACED Q-112, D-107 & D-1001 Unit was hit by lightning and came in with snowy picture.Along with chattering of the relay and no display illumination. The 5Vsupply measured 0.9V. Replaced shorted Q-112. The voltage came back,the relay chatter stopped but the set was still snowy.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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