Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonyKV32XBR10WILL NOT TURN ON, REPLACED C-1701, C-1702, L-1701 Set would not turn on, pin 27 on CPU (reset) was low. Shouldhave been 5 volts. I discovered that when pin 15 on IC-1701 wasdesoldered, everything except the remote control works. I discovered thatwhen pin 6 or pin 7 of IC-1701 were touched with the sc
SonyCDX7540CD STOPS IN THE MIDDLE TRACKS Many CDX-R77s, CDX-R79s, CDX-7540s and CDX-7580s have CD stuckin MD during 3 to 5 tracks. The problem is when FOP moved to the middleof the guide shaft the FOP's flexible PCB touch Gear (B) Lock (Ref. No.404). Then unit shuts off.
SonyKV2670RNO PICTURE - NO SOUND, D-102 5V REG SHORTED No picture and no sound. Sleep light only. CPU had no dataoutput. The pulse from the vertical was there but its amplitude wasreduced by about 50 percent.
SonyCCDTR4PLASTIC CODED COVER ON THE CABINET (R) Rubber covering cabinet (R) and also top door cover is peelingoff especially around battery eject button and door open switch.
SonyCCDF55NO VIDEO IN VIEWFINDER Broken CRT replaced and it lights up but no video (brightscreen only).
SonyPSLX57NO OPERATION OR INTERMITTENT OPERATION Unit will not turn platter or move arm and function LEDs willnot light. Check of PS-409 and PS-410 IC links will show one or bothopen. Q-401 and Q-402 may have an open emitter. This is caused by one ormore of the 6.3 volt 100mf filter caps on the + an
SonyPSLX520NO OPERATION OR INTERMITTENT OPERATION Unit will not turn platter or move arm and function LEDs willnot light. Check of PS-409 and PS-410 IC links will show one or bothopen. Q-401 and Q-402 may have an open emitter. This is caused by one ormore of the 6.3 volt 100mf filter caps on the + an
SonyKV27EXR10NO AUDIO, CUSTOMER SELECTED SPEAKER SWITCH OPEN MODE Servicer called me and said the TV had no sound. He foundQ-432 to be turned on which opened the speaker switch. D-421 was forwardbiased by way of SP switch signal from system control. I found thatsomeone has inadvertantly programmed the remote to mute t
SonyCDPC100UNIT WILL NOT EJECT Unit will not sense that elevator is at height to play disc,and the unit jams. Put magazine in unit accepts disc and elevator goes tolowest (play) position and jams.
SonyKV25DXRNO VERTICAL DEFLECTION No vertical deflection. Caused by Q-2030 failing to pullreset line to its normal high. Note: Schematic error page 55 (J-7).D-2056 should be connected at the junction of R-2198 and R-2199. It willnot operate as drawn.
SonySLV575UCSHUTDOWN WHEN THE MF93 BOARD IS REPLACED. Costa Mesa is experiencing difficulty when the MM-93 boardis replaced. After replacement, you plug in the unit the clock comes on,you turn power on everything comes on and then within 3 seconds the unitwill shut off. The clock remains on. They have tw
SonyKV2782ME7VERTICAL ROLLING, REPLACE C-1001 AND REROUTING OF CABLE The vertical rolling was affecting EXT video in and internallygenerated video. Problem 1: The EXT video rolling was caused by theshielded cable carrying comp. video linking connectors A-10 and D3 to thesync sep. routed too close to the flyback. Problem
SonyKV27TW70CLOCK DO NOT RUN, RESOLDER C-120 Internal clock would set, but would not run.
SonyD160DISC WON'T SPIN Disc won't spin. Spindle motor only had 1.2 Ohms ofresistance. Normally, the spindle motor has about 12 Ohms of resistance.
SonyTAM30OGM CUTS OFF CALLER The service bulletin #32 which states to change cap C7 from a2.2uF to a 10uF improves the problem of OGM cut-off, however, it doesnot totally eliminate it.

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