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SonyKV27XBR10NO PICTURE, HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT THE IK CIRCUIT As you may have noticed, when servicing this and other unitsusing this particular IC-301, RGB lines at the IC level are blanked any-time the C board is disconnected. The main reason for this blanking isa cathode current detect line (IK). When the unit
SonyKV27EXR15NO PICTURE, IK RELATED TROUBLESHOOTING As you may have noticed, when servicing this and other unitsusing this particular IC-301, RGB lines at the IC level are blanked any-time the C board is disconnected. The main reason for this blanking isa cathode current detect line (IK). When the unit
SonyKV20EXR10NO PICTURE, HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT As you may have noticed, when servicing this and other unitsusing this particular IC-301, RGB lines at the IC level are blanked any-time the C board is disconnected. The main reason for this blanking isa cathode current detect line (IK). When the unit
SonyKV27EXR10NO PICTURE, IK LINE RELATED TROUBLESHOOTING As you may have noticed, when servicing this and other unitsusing this particular IC-301, RGB lines at the IC level are blanked any-time the C board is disconnected. The main reason for this blanking isa cathode current detect line (IK). When the unit
SonyCDPC20ALTERNATIVE METHOD TO REPAIR BU BRACKET SUPPORT ON FRAME A common failure on the CDPC20/30/40/50/70 series of playersis the need to replace the frame because the support that holds up the BUBracket breaks. Replacing the frame can take up to one hour. By using thespring from the CDXA10 as the new support for th
SonyKV27EXR15CLOCK GAINS TIME, SEE SB TVP087R1 Unit would gain two hours a day. The home tech at Costa Mesainstalled the modification (Tech Flash No. 39). Home tech informed meit resolved the problem.
SonyPVM2030SCREEN NOT COMPLETELY BLANKED With brightness and picture control turned down and in a darkroom, there is a visible illumination on a part of the tube. This is withno connections to video in. Connecting a generator to the video in andstarting with minimum signal, you can see the pr
SonyGV9NO AUDIO ON PLAYBACK No audio on playback but unit records audio.
SonyFD240PYRAMID PICTURE/RASTER ON SCREEN, RESOLDERED L-501 Getting a pyramid picture and raster on the screen.
SonyFD230PYRAMID PICTURE/RASTER ON SCREEN Getting a pyramid picture and raster on the screen.
SonyD2UNIT DOES NOT FUNCTION Unit does not function. Display works ok. No sled, spindlemotor or FOP movement. Service mode is same as above.
SonyCDPC900WILL NOT LOAD DISC There is a lot of free play in roller and brass bushing.Eventually, the gear that drives the roller comes out or the bushing fallsout or both.
SonyEDV9500STREAKING ON PEAK WHITES DURING PLAYBACK When playing a tape with white highlights or keyed insertlettering, streaking could be observed.
SonyGEN-HFPACCESSIBILITY OF 1/2 VCC POINTS Accessibility of 1/2 VCC points on these models:D9, CDXR77, CDXR79, CDX7540, CDX7580. -SOLUTION The 1/2 Vcc points on these models are as follows:MODEL 1/2 Vcc point location DC voltage----- ----------------------
SonyEDV9500PROBLEM ON NEW VIDEO HEAD After replacement head was installed, the RF envolope from onehead was very low. Lapping head for 10 seconds restored proper operation. -HQ COMMENTS: New video heads will sometimes have sharp edges, andwill pick up oxide from the tape surface. Lapping

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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