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SonySPP80INTERMITTENT AUDIO TRANSMIT FROM PORTABLE TO BASE Intermittently will transmit audio from handset to base.RF waveform is present at handset's transmitter. Audio through IC-501 wasintermittent - very hard to troubleshoot.
SonyKPR46CX10NO POWER, REPLACED Q-1 Found Q-1 shorted which killed the switching supply. -HQ COMMENTS: Q-1 (2SD1548) is the H.V. Output Transistor located on thePC Board.
SonySTRAV310NO POWER - T901 Unit is dead. Found open primary on power transformer T-901.Will send sample.
SonyKV27TX40SQUEAL, REPLACED YOKE, SEE SB TVP0114 Replaced singing yoke. -HQ COMMENTS: Please replace the yoke with the new one as statedin SB 114. P/N 1-451-275-41.
SonyKV27XBR15SINGING YOKE, REPLACED YOKE USING P/N 1-451-275-41 Replaced singing yoke. -HQ COMMENTS: Please order revised Yoke part number 1-451-275-41as per TVP Service Bulletin 114.
SonyKV27TS30HIGH PITCH SOUND FROM YOKE, REPLACED YOKE SEE SB 0114 Replace singing yoke. -HQ COMMENTS: New DY is available from Kansas City Parts.See Service Bulletin TVP-0114. The P/N is 1-451-275-41.
SonyKV27TW70HIGH PITCH SOUND FROM YOKE, REPLACED YOKE SEE SB 114 Replaced singing yoke. -HQ COMMENTS: Replace yoke with new type P/N 1-451-275-41 as perService Bulletin 114.
SonyCFSW510NO AM OR FM - C205 Unit came in with no AM, FM or display. Tape section workedfine. I noticed IC-201 (DC to DC conv.) had the proper input voltage onpins 2, 3, 4 but output on 6, 7, 8 were 0V. When I unsoldered pin 7,unit's output voltages came up.
SonyKV32XBR10IC-51 PART NUMBER CHANGE, 8-741-100-62 Service manual lists IC-51 RC sensor as being BX-1393, partnumber 8-749-900-36. Actually, the servicer is finding a different IC inthe set and he needs its part number. -HQ COMMENTS: There has been a production change. The new improved chipis: SBX1618
SonyCCDF33PART NUMBER FOR AUTOFOCUS MOTOR AND IRIS MOTOR Servicer called and requested availability and part number forautofocus motor. Part number and reference is not listed in servicemanual. Is this part going to be available separately? -HQ COMMENTS: The part number of the focus motor is 3-707-561-01.
SonySLV272UCJ-6082-050-A MODE BOX ADAPTER Servicer has purchased this mode box from Sanyo for use onP-88 chassis. Servicer would like to purchase VHJ0050/70 adapter fromSony. Can we get this adapter separately? Please advise and supply partnumber if it will be available. -TO TOKYO: Can you p
SonyCCDTR5NO COLOR ON RECORDING Shows color and other video information in video out but nocolor recorded on tape. Vectorscope shows circle and waveform monitoris missing the color burst.
SonyWMF2081AVAILABILITY OF LCD ASSY WHICH INCLUDES FLEX CABLE The LCD display (Ref#E701), and it's connector (Ref# 904) areavailable as separate items. However, there is no way to connect the LCDto it's connector manually. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo fax (#A900509): The Synthesizer PCB, which includesthe Flex cable and t
SonyWMAF65AVAILABILITY OF LCD ASSY WHICH INCLUDES FLEX CABLE The LCD display (Ref#E701), and it's connector (Ref#905) areavailable as separate items. However, there is no way to connect the LCDto it's connector manually. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo fax (#A900509): The Synthesizer PCB, which includesthe Flex cable and th
SonyWMAF62AVAILABILITY OF LCD ASSY WHICH INCLUDES FLEX CABLE The LCD display (Ref#E701), and it's connector (Ref#905) areavailable as separate items. However, there is no way to connect the LCDto it's connector manually. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo fax (#A900509): The Synthesizer PCB, which includesthe Flex cable and th

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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