Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonyKV20HFRDISPLAYED ONE CHANNEL ONLY, REPLACE IC-501 The unit displayed one channel only and when you changedchannels, you loose all channels.
SonySLHF860DUNIT WOULD NOT TURN ON - OR ACCEPT INPUT COMMANDS Unit would turn on, accept cassette, load and thread tape butwould not accept any further input commands (no play, eject etc.). Itwould not even turn off. You would have to unthread manually pin 63,IC-501 had no DC voltage on it - it was already low.
SonySLHF860DUNIT WILL NOT RECORD Unit would not record - playback was ok. Scope shot revealedsignal was present at pin-23 of IC-201 but nothing at the output pin 17.Pin 17 also had 6-3Vdc on it at all times.
SonyKV27XBR60IC-101 SUBSTITUTION, SEE TVP SERVICE BULLETIN NUMBER 092 Some inquiries have been received regarding this IC. In somecases when the servicer orders the original IC (M37100M8-717SP), adifferent IC is sent (M37100M8-711SP). The -711 IC is not a substitutionfor the -717 IC. Please check when ordering this item
SonyKV32XBR70IC-101 SUBSTITUTION Some inquiries have been received regarding this IC. In somecases when the servicer orders the original IC (M37100M8-717SP), adifferent IC is sent (M37100M8-711SP). The -711 IC is not a substitutionfor the -717 IC. Please check when ordering this item
SonyKV32HSR10IC-101 SUBSTITUTION, NO SUB EXIST Some inquiries have been received regarding this IC. In somecases when the servicer orders the original IC (M37100M8-717SP), adifferent IC is sent (M37100M8-711SP). The -711 IC is not a substitutionfor the -717 IC. Please check when ordering this item
SonyCCDF70DARK STREAKS RUNNING THROUGH CAMERA PICTURE Picture from camera had intermittent dark streaks. Picturewas also darker than normal.
SonyWMAF54WRONG PART NUMBER FOR CHASSIS The part number for the chassis in the service manual is forthe WMBF58. The number for the WMAF54 is 3-345-603-01. -HQ COMMENTS: Thanks for the info. A service bulletin will be issued.This applies to the WMAF58 as well.
SonySPP110UNIT DOES NOT REDIAL CORRECTLY IN BATTERY SAVE MODE Unit will only redial 8 digits reliably when going into Talkmode from Batt Save mode. Any additional digits are either not dialed atall or dialed incorrectly. However, when going into Talk mode from Norm(standby) mode, the redial function works flawles
SonyCDPC100DISC WILL NOT GO INTO MAGAZINE Disc will not go back into magazine in certain slots. It jamshalf way in. I detected some wear and scratches on the metal springwithin the magazine. This causes the disc to stick and not go backinto the cartridge.
SonyD160FAILURE OF UNIT DUE TO USE OF IMPROPER POWER SUPPLY Used power supply with reversed polarity (i.e. RadioShack etc.) usually burns D-804 and Q-404. Symptoms include: dead unit,spindle turns backward (due to Q-404 failure), sled to outer perimeter.IC-802 fails due to surge and kills 5V supply. The majorit
SonyHBA5000UNABLE TO INPUT CONTROLS FROM THE PAD Unablt to input controls from the pad.
SonyHBA5000NO SOUND No Sound.
SonyHBA5000COLOR SMEAR Color smear appears at the right edge of the picture.

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