Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: sony

Resultados 18959

SonyEDV9500SLIGHT SHADOWING OR GHOSTING A shadowing or ghosting effect can be seen around objects ina scene during playback.
SonyCCDTR5BLUE AND ORANGE AROUND DARK OBJECTS Blue and orange highlighting appeared around dark objects.
SonyCDXA20UNIT WILL SOMETIMES NOT FUNCTION - ERROR 04 COMES UP The unit will sometimes not function. When it does function,it works fine. Upon examining the RF PCB, found an oily substance on thePCB. Discovered that C52 had leaked. This is a filter cap for the +5Vsupply line. The cap is rated at 6.3V. Should I
SonyWMAF54POOR FM RECEPTION Unit will only receive the strongest FM stations. Weakstations are muted, and border line stations will constantly switch in andout of mute.
SonyD180KHIGH PITCHED SQUEAL, MECHANICAL Unit manifested a high pitched squeal during play. The noiseappeared mechanical since it did not come through the line or headphoneoutputs.
SonyCFSD960NO FAST FORWARD - REW OK Unit will not fast forward. Appears as though plastic leverinstalled at factory was still hot and it warped.
SonyCCDF35INTERMITTENT PLAYBACK VIDEO Bad solder on pins 28, 29, 30 of IC-202.
SonyDTC700PART NUMBER FOR THE HOLDOWN JIG IS INCORRECTLY LISTED IN S/M The holder jig J2000002A is not registered in KCP or WRPC.Is this part number correct? Can the jig from the DTC-1000 J8000002A beused or is this jig different since this deck is at an angle? -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is incorrectly listed in the se
SonyMVCC1WILL NOT ACCEPT THE DISK Does X-212-382-51 item number 1 (holder assembly) include thecoil.
SonyCDP22LASER DOES NOT COME ON Laser would not come on. Replaced the block because saw 1.2Vat collector of power control transistor Q7 when play was pressed butnever saw 2v therefore thought Q7,IC1, and micro were good since changeoccured when play pressed. Problem same after new bl
SonyCDX7580DISPLAY PCB DISLODGED Display PCB becomes unseated from plastic clips that hold thelower edge of the board, causing no operation of several buttons on thefront panel.
SonyBMC500SHUTS DOWN WHEN RECORD BUTTON IS PUSHED Unit would shutdown when Record button was pushed.
SonyCDX7540DISPLAY PCB DISLODGED Display board becomes unseated from plastic clips that holdthe lower edge of the PCB, causing no operation of several buttons on thefront panel.
SonyCDX44DISPLAY PCB DISLODGED Display PCB becomes unseated from plastic clips that hold thelower edge of the board. This causes no operation of several buttons onthe front panel.
SonyCDX6020DISPLAY PCB DISLODGED Display PCB becomes unseated from plastic clips that holdlower edge, causing no operation of several buttons on the front panel.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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