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SonyKV32V16LOOSING VERTICAL LINEARITY,IC501 Unit loosing vertical linearity after it has been playing for a while.
SonyKV32S15NO PICTURE BUT SOUND OK, REPLACED T502 Customer reported good sound, intermittent rattles but nopicture just a dark screen. Troubleshooting revealed no high voltage,voltage check at Flyback pin 2 & Q591 collector proved 135v supply wasnormal found no waveform at collector of Q502. Voltage
SonyKV32S12DISTORTED PIN CUSHION, C540 Pin cushion distortion. Tech found E. W. signal changewhen Pin Amp is adj., but no change observed on IC504/pin 7.Found saw tooth signal is not right looks like horizontal pulse onIC504/pin 5.
SonyKV27V10PICTURE FADES IN & OUT, Q505 Picture would fade in and out, almost like a bloomingeffect.
SonyKV27S25NO HIGH VOLTAGE, AUDIO OK, IC351 Found 9 volt line from power supply at 8 volts, IC351, on the A board was defective.
SonyKV27S25NO PICTURE, REPLACED CRT The unit came in with no picture, but sound has no problem. Found G2 (220V) was missing, disconnecting socket of CRT then G2 voltages back. I found CRT shorted.
SonyKV27525NO HIGH VOLTAGE DUE TO BAD IC351 No high voltage, but Audio has no problem. Found 9v lines from power supply reading 8v.
SonyKV13VM20CAPSTAN MOTOR INTERMITTENT WILL NOT ROTATE, SCREW JAMMED Front loading assembly will not operate or eject due toscrew in Loading Ass'y. Screw too long caused a the motor to
SonyKPR4150RED REGISTRATION OFF The unit has bad registration with Red. Replaced Red registration IC6, but did not correct problem. Center of screen ok, but outer edges off by one inch and size and linearity controls had little effect.
SonyKP61XBR48NO CUSTOMER REGISTRATION FUNCTIONS, ADJ. PJTV ASC replaced the D Board, A-134-6296-A, due tointermittent registration problem. Loaded original data from old board.New board corrected problem but when customer registration adjustments areselected from main menu the adjustment did not work. Estab
SonyKP53XBR45STUCK IN VIDEO 1 MODE, SEE BELOW Customer could not change TV modes with remote or frontpanel. Unit seems to be stuck in the video 1 mode.
SonyKP53S15CUSTOMER CONVERGENCE IS NOT RETAINED. IC003 Customer would adj his convergence and picture settings andthe next time they turned the set on the adjustments were lost. SOLUTION: The memory IC for the customer controls is IC003. The memory IC for Dynamic Convergence is IC005.Note:
SonyKP46S15CUSTOMER CONVERGENCE IS NOT RETAINED. IC003 Customer would adj his convergence and picture settings andthe next time they turned the set on the adjustments were lost. SOLUTION: The memory IC for the customer controls is IC003. The memory IC for Dynamic Convergence is IC005.Note:
SonyKP41T15CUSTOMER CONVERGENCE IS NOT RETAINED. IC003 Customer would adj his convergence and picture settings andthe next time they turned the set on the adjustments were lost. SOLUTION: The memory IC for the customer controls is IC003. The memory IC for Dynamic Convergence is IC005.Note:
SonyTAAV521UNIT IN PROTECT - REPLACED C753 Unit in protect. Found a +10 volt offset on speaker line.Checking with scope could not see any clipping or distortion. Checked alltransistors, diodes, resistors and caps. Found C753 had 53 ohms ofresistance.

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