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SonyCDX5090CD DOES NOT PLAY, DISPLAY READS E-04 The LCD display of the unit reads E-04. This may be caused bythe CD making contact with the chucking arm (ref# 122). This may cause theCD not to spin and eventually displaying an error message.
SonyCDX5090UNIT HAS SKIPPING PROBLEMS,UNIT SHUTS OFF The CD has Skipping problems and eventually unit shuts off.The unit had loose connections.
SonyCDX5090UNIT SKIPS Sometimes unit had difficulty reading CD disc (TORTURE).The disc would start to skip.
SonyCDX5070CD DOES NOT PLAY, DISPLAY READS E-04 The LCD display of the unit reads E-04. This may be caused bythe CD making contact with the chucking arm (ref# 122). This may cause theCD not to spin and eventually displaying an error message.
SonyCDX5060CD DOES NOT PLAY, DISPLAY READS E-04 The LCD display of the unit reads E-04. This may be caused bythe CD making contact with the chucking arm (ref# 122). This may cause theCD not to spin and eventually displaying an error message.
SonyCDX4090NO SPEAKER OUTPUTS FROM UNIT No speaker output.
SonyCDX4090CD SKIPS CD Skips when playing.
SonyCDX4090NO SOUND No sound.
SonyCDX4090CD DOES NOT PLAY, DISPLAY READS E-04 The LCD display of the unit reads E-04. This may be caused bythe CD making contact with the chucking arm (ref# 122). This may cause theCD not to spin and eventually displaying an error message.
SonyCDX4050CD DOES NOT PLAY, DISPLAY READS E-04 The LCD display of the unit reads E-04. This may be caused bythe CD making contact with the chucking arm (ref# 122). This may cause theCD not to spin and eventually displaying an error message.
SonyCDTRV21POOR FOCUS ON EVF (FOUND FOCUS RING ON CRT MOUNTED POORLY) The unit had poor focus on EVF. Found problem to be caused bythe focus ring being hot-glued to the CRT at an angle which preventedgood focus. This apparentlt occurred during manufacturing.
SonyCCDTRV21WASHED OUT PIX (FOUND IRIS STUCK OPEN, COLD SOLDER CN-101) The picture was washed out. Found problem to be caused by astuck iris. Cold solder on CN101 of the CN-98 board resulted in the irisbeing stuck.
SonyCCDTRV21NO PIX IN EVF, ONLY VERTICAL LINE (FOUND BAD SOLDER ON L903) EVF had no horizontal scanning, resulting in only a verticalline displayed. Problem was found to be caused by bad solder on L903 onthe VF-102 board.
SonyCCDTRV21DOOR WON'T CLOSE (MODE SWITCH BAD, MECH DID NOT EJECT FULLY) Cassette door would not close, because the mechanism did notfully eject the last time the tape was ejected. Found problem to becaused by a faulty mode switch.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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