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SonySATA1PROGRAMMING RCA ACCESS CARD TO WORK WITH SONY SYSTEM Will or can the RCA access card be reprogrammed to work withthe Sony system?
SonySATA1GOOD SIGNAL STRENGTH What is considered good signal strength?
SonySATA1MINIMUM SIGNAL STRENGTH What is the minimum signal strength?
SonySATA1PAINTING THE DISH Can I paing the dish to match the house?
SonySATA1USE IN CANADA Can I take my dish to Toronto? - SOLUTION: No, service is not available there.
SonySATA1WATCHING OTHER SATELLITES Can I turn the dish to watch other satellites?
SonySATA1RCA DISH COMPATIBLE WITH SONY RECEIVER I have an RCA dual-LNB dish and I want to add a Sonyreciever, is the Sony receiver compatible with the RCA dish?
SonySATA1PAYING MULTIPLE COSTS TO DIRECT TV AND USSB I have multiple receivers and multiple televisions in myhome, do I have to pay multiple subscription costs to DIRECTV and USSB?
SonySATA1WATCH ONE CHANNEL WHILE RECORDING ANOTHER Can I watch one channel while I am recording another on myVCR?
SonySATA1TWO RECEIVERS ON SYSTEM I have two receivers on my system and they are sittingtogether, will one infrared remote control change the channel on bothreceivers at the same time, or are the infrared remoted keyedspecifically to the receivers they are shipped with?
SonySATA1USE OUTSIDE U.S. I have a second home outside the U.S. can I take my dishand receiver with me and get DSS reception there?
SonySATA1RECORDING MULTIPLE EVENTS FROM DSS How do I use my VCR to record multiple events from the DSSsystem at different times?
SonySATA1NO LED FLASH WHEN RE-ALIGNING SIGNAL Why doesn't the LED flash when I'm trying to realign thesignal?
SonySATA1CAN IT BE HOOK UP TO MORE THAN 1 TV Can I hook the receiver to more than one TV?
SonySATA1DISH LOCATION TO RECEIVER How far away should the dish be from the receiver?

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Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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