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SonyHCDD550PIN LAYOUT OF IC 1201 In the service manual IC1201 is written as an 18 pin IC. Infact, it is a 22 pin IC. I assume that pin 3 of the 22 pin IC is pin 1 ofthe schematic. -HQ COMMENTS: This IC, STK4231MKII, is used in several diffrent modelssuch as SAW541/441, HST221, 211, 201
SonyHCDC50UCD WILL MAKE SCRAPING NOISE Other FPR's recommend installing a bumper or mod with ascrew. That's only a shortcut to the real problem. The parts that causethe problem are the top and bottom chassis parts and side supports markednot supplied on page 100 of S/M. When assembling or
SonyHCDC50UDISTORTION IN HIGH SPEED DUB - REDRESSED COMPONENTS Using high speed dub, distortion in playback signal of Deck bsounded like oscillation. Problem was caused by C213 being bent overR212. These components are in feedback circuit of IC302 which is PBamplifier for deck B. This did not effect a normal rec
SonyHCD541NO AUDIO IN NORMAL DUB, HI SPEED DUB CAN HEAR CHEEPING In normal dub you cannot hear any audio, but in high speeddub, you can hear a cheeping sound. This sounds like it is reverse ofwhat it should be. Is this normal for this model? The servicer has 3units and they all do the same thing. If you play back
SonyDTC700INTERMITTENT NOISE - ADDED HEAVY GRND WIRE Reference to FPR's # N2566 & N1993. After replacing IC932 theToshiba regulator still had only 4.7VDC output pin 3. Found ground pin 2to be at -0.2VDC.This was caused by resistance in yellow wire from CN931to CN391 and plug/iacks.
SonyCDPC615NO DISPLAY, ALL OTHER FUNCTIONS NORMAL - REPL IC201 Unit had no display. But functioned normally otherwise.Followed -32V line from IC401, it was missing (no -32V) supply voltage wasnormal at IC201 /pin 1 but no -32v at pin 3, pin 4 was noraml -5v.
SonyCDPC435VERY INTERMITENT SKIPPING - SEE S/B HFP 381 First found the skipping problem very intermittent andreplaced several parts then noticed a whining noise frm mech chassis.Resonating like the 100 disc changer mech.
SonyCDPC345HOWLING MECHANICAL NOISE COMING FROM INSIDE UNIT - HFP#381 Loud howling noise heard from inside unit. but only oncertain cd's and only on some tracks of those cd's. If you press lightlyon spindle motor while it is turning the noise will increase.
SonyCDPC335SKIPPING DURING EXCHANGE - REPL SYSTEM CONTROL IC401 Unit would mute during exchange cycle. Not sort ofmuting/skipping associated with focus or tracking problems. Muted for 30secs, installing new system control cpu resolved problem. Unit did nothave problem with BU alignment wich requires cpu to be ch
SonyCDPC245ERRATIC OPERATION, NO SLED - RESOLDERED SLED MOTOR LEAD The sled would not operate which caused a vierty of symptomsdepending on whether or not the limit switch was closed. (limit switchmust be closed for proper loading).
SonyXRU330LOSES POWER WHEN CD CHANGER CONNECTED (FOUND R238 BROKEN) When a CD changer is connected to this unit, the power willshut off if the Unilink cable is moved.
SonyXR7280PART # CORRECTION: Q301 (CORRECT #: 8-729-106-60, 2SB1115A) Found Q301 part number 8-729-119-76 was wrong type transistor(2SA1175-HFE, should be 2SB1115A).
SonyXR430FRONT LEFT CHANNEL WEAK (FOUND C951 DEFECTIVE)Sound weak and distorted out of front left channel.
SonyXR2300WILL NOT MANUALLY REVERSE TAPE (B-LINK SELECTOR WAS MISSING) Unit works normally except that the tape will not reversemanually.
SonyXR2100SEEK/TUNE CONTROL SEPARATES AT BACK Back of tune control separates from rest of part.

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