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SonyKV27V55NEW "H" BOARD CONNECTOR CN155 DIFFERENT Ordered a replacement H Board. Original boardconnector CN155 had 8 pins new one has 9 pins. -HQ COMMENTS: The original board is not available. The H boardfor model KV-27V10 uses the same H Board with the addition of theLuminance responder circuit. R
SonyKV27TW78NEW "H" BOARD CONNECTOR CN155 DIFFERENT Ordered a replacement H Board. Original boardconnector CN155 had 8 pins new one has 9 pins. -HQ COMMENTS: The original board is not available. The H boardfor model KV-27V10 uses the same H Board with the addition of theLuminance responder circuit. R
SonyKV27TW77NEW "H" BOARD CONNECTOR CN155 DIFFERENT Ordered a replacement H Board. Original boardconnector CN155 had 8 pins new one has 9 pins. -HQ COMMENTS: The original board is not available. The H boardfor model KV-27V10 uses the same H Board with the addition of theLuminance responder circuit. R
SonyKV27TS31DISTORTED AUDIO MM201 MPX DECODER Whistle and other distortions in audio. Found .47mfd 50velect. capacitor in mm201 audio processor module on A board open, thiscap is rated for 85 degress temp. There is no ref number for any of thesecapacitors on module.
SonyKV27TS27SNOWY PICTURE, REPLACED RF CONNECTOR T99854851 Rf connector input terminal diameter being too big. Antennaor cable wire has loose jib.
SonyKV27SXR10BRIGHTNESS FLUCTUATION,REPLACED CONNECTOR WIRE ASS'Y A16-C3 When the connector A16-C3 was wiggled at the A16 end,brightness would change. Reversing the cable (6 pin) showed no problem atthe C3 end but confirmed the problem was with the cable.
SonyKV2786RLOSS VERTICAL DEFLECTION, REPLACED TUNER AND R540 Unit displayed a horizontal line at the center of thepicture.(When G2 was turned up) There was also no sound.
SonyKV25XBRINTERMITTENT RIGHT CHANNEL AUDIO, RESOLDERED J001 Intermittent right channel audio. Audio signal was presentat connector U9/pins 1 and 4. Audio signal could also be seen atU9/pin 3, open signal return path.
SonyKV20TS32CLOCK RUNS SLOW, REPLACE CRYSTAL X001 Clock running very slow. All other functions operated correctly. Problem was cuased by X001, running about 3.8MHz, should have been 4 MHz. Replacement solved problem. -HQ COMMENTS: Thank you for your informaton.
SonyKV20S10GLOW ON SCREEN AFTER SET IS TURNED OFF Unfocused glow on the screen after the unit is turned off.
SonyKV20M10GLOW ON SCREEN AFTER SET IS TURNED OFF Unfocused glow on the screen after the unit is turned off.
SonyKV19TS10PIX IS JITTERY AFTER FEW DAYS, REPLACED C503 Unit looses vertical sync after warm up. Discovered defective capacitor C503.
SonyKV13VM20SHUT DOWN, REPLACED ZD1822 AND F1803 The unit would start to oscillate and then immediatley shutdown. The problem was caused by ZD1822 shorting. Fuse 1803 on the 12volt line also opened. ZD1822 is over voltage protection for the 12 voltline. With the 12 v line inoperative, the feedback
SonyKV13VM20VERY DARK PICTUREE, OPEN G2 RESISTOR R1915 Picture was very dark with just a little chroma showing through. Check G2 voltage at CRT and found R1915 is open.

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