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SonySLV757UCNO PLAY Unit loads tape but drum runs very slow. Checked drum drivecircuit IC-001 on MD-22 board and it was very hot. Replaced IC stilloperating very hot. Didn,t have time to check any voltage. Checkedall electrolitic caps for S/C around IC. When checking a
SonyTCH500NO POWER TO TAPE DECK The printed circuit board, 901, is often found broken throughthe ventilation holes. This break destroys several traces and renders theunit powerless. It appears that the board is weak at these points and isunable to withstand any shock to the rear pane
SonyACV60NO POWER ON No power on.
SonySL3030CAPSTAN SERVO INTERMITTENT/WILL NOT LOCK/UNSTABLE PICTURE Very intermittently the capstan will run too slow. CTL fre-quency goes from 30Hz to 27Hz. Phase lock on phase PWM is lost. FG, CTL,SC, tracking and VCC are all normal. This problem occurs in both BII andBIII playback.
SonySL5101BAD CAPACITOR IN TANTALUM CAPACITOR KIT A capacitor kit was installed in this VCR to correct therecord lock phase. After installation, the servo circuits would notalign. The capstan phase servo output at IC-001, pin 23 (TP-5) which isnormally 5.5V was zero in both record and playback, BII or
SonyD2NO SOUND FROM LEFT CHANNEL THROUGH HEADPHONE This unit had no left channel sound through headphone jack,only line out was ok.
SonySTRV35SIGNAL CLIPPING DUE TO INCORRECT PART SUBSTITUTE Q-605 and Q-655 seems to have an incorrect substitute. Theoriginal part was 8-729-601-42 (2SC1914A) which crossed to a 8-729-800-32(2SC2362K). The substituted part would overdrive the signal causingclipping and the output to distort.
SonySPP320NO RING/NO DIAL TONE/LINE LIGHT GOES OUT AFTER A FEW SECONDS No ring, no dial tone. Line light goes out after a fewseconds. Relay wouldn't engage Q-608 was good, but was not driving relay.
SonyKV32XBR65IC-101 DOES NOT MATCH PART NUMBER IN MANUAL, SEE SB 92 Above part number does not match with the part called for inthe Service Manual. -HQ COMMENTS: During production, the microprocessor was changed.These two IC are not interchangable. Please check to see what micro isbeing used before ordering from KCP.
SonyDTC700AUDIBLE CLICK WHEN USING RECORD PAUSE Sony Sales in Brisbane, CA has received complaints of anaudible click when using record pause. -HQ COMMENTS: I checked a DTC-700 and a TCD-D3 in the lab with adigital and analog input. The TCD-D3 did not have a problem in eithermodes. I tried several
SonyD66INTERMITTENT POWER The force needed to connect and disconnect the AC adaptorbreaks the connection to the power jack on main PCB.
SonyTAE1000ESDNO VIDEO OUTPUT Video 2 input works, but others do not. 2. Audio works fine.
SonySTRAV900DISCREPANCY IN THE VALUE OF F-801 AND F-802 Unit came in with Q-766 and Q-765 shorted from C-E. F-801 andF-802 were also blown. The service manual parts list shows F-801 for(AV900) this model as a 6.3 amp fuse while the unit itself has a label for8 amp fuses. The blown fuses were of the 8 amp v
SonyCDP508ESDTRAY RATTLES AS IT COMES OUT OF THE UNIT When the Open/Close button is pushed, the tray would rattle asit was coming out and also when closing.
SonyCCDTR4EATING TAPES The tapes are being eaten.

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